Holy Christ on a cracker.
McCoy poster -full size I just. Holy crap. There are others (no Chekov, though :/) but he's got the sexy walk down. Shit.
I need to explain myself. Hold on. Hold. On. I first became aware of Karl Urban waaaaay back when Xena was airing on television, and he had the fabulous role of Julius Caesar. Shit, man, he was effing amazing as Caesar. He was such a sexy badass, you have no idea... (Actually, he also played Cupid and a character called Mael. He's been three different characters~)
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Anyway, yes. I loved him in the Chronicles of Riddick (just...wow) and his Caesar was devilishly wonderful, and of course he was awesomesauce in LotR~ Karl needs a damn title role! A big blockbuster with him in the star. Yesss.