Cape May, NJ

Mar 17, 2008 03:08

It's not often that Caleb asks for time off, and he had thus far been spending his with Amelia, helping her to settle back into Alaska. But the time to be there for her had come and gone, and now it was time to give her some space. His first thought was of Mara, but her schedule was somewhat less accommodating than his ( Read more... )

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eternalfae March 26 2008, 23:35:44 UTC
"No, you had every right. Twenty years of holding your tongue is ridiculous, f'r either of us. Maybe one of us needed to say we're both getting too old for this drama. What the hell're we even doing?"

She's not asking that rhetorically. She's being completely serious, and perhaps as much irritated with herself.


caleb_z March 27 2008, 22:29:25 UTC
"We're refusing to let go because we want each other so badly it hurts, and refusing to indulge because I'll be dead a century before you will."


eternalfae March 30 2008, 15:09:51 UTC
Because he'll be dead a century before her.
Because they can't have children:
because who knows what the hell it'd be;
because her people would be obligated to turn their back on her, if not slay the child as an abomination.
Because she's always been the bad influence in his life.
Because she could easily feel safe and comfortable, and the hearts of men are neither.

Every time she makes the mistake of seeing him, it's agony. The idea of going away from him wholly and completely is the same result. The answer is as clear as day but that doesn't make it easy.

"I'm so tired of this," she finally says, and she sounds it. "I'm exhausted and all the usual excuses seem so... petty. Inane. I ask myself why I go through this, and I've got no good answer, and I'm here, with you-- we argue and I'm thankful we're even here f'r you t'be mad at me. How daft, eh?"


caleb_z March 30 2008, 15:42:24 UTC
Caleb's view of the situation is slightly different.

Where Kenna views their ability to reproduce as not a given, he views it as not yet discounted.

Kenna's people are powerful, but the Outsiders could interdict the Justice League if they needed to. Corrine by herself could guarantee their child continued life.

And Amelia is a far, far worse influence on his life than Kenna could ... well, would, rather ... ever be. To his mind, if anything, he's a good influence on her life.

"I've been through worse," he says dismissively. "Though I'm certain that I'll never have you out of my blood. The breeze just wouldn't feel as good." His mind turns to the engagement ring he bought, but never had the chance to present to her.

It's in his Metropolis apartment, still in the original box.


eternalfae March 30 2008, 19:24:23 UTC
He's being sneaky. She can feel it.

She smirks, a little. "You're bein' sneaky. Plottin' somethin'."


caleb_z March 30 2008, 19:26:06 UTC
"Who, me?" It's not exactly a denial.


eternalfae April 17 2008, 08:06:24 UTC
"You. Always you."

She taps her cigarette in the empty box and smiles. There's a moment where Kenna's got to hold her head because the mix of emotions is a bit much. This entire thing is starting to feel like a headache, but when you're an empath these sorts of emotions keep with you like memories of a different sort. This batch isn't fun. "Let me say somethin' before you spring your wild idea on me?"


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