And now for something completely different

Oct 22, 2006 14:26

I’ve been taking advantage of the slow period at work for these past few days, and I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve felt this good. Corrine and I, surprisingly enough, actually managed a pleasant chat the other day, and I’ve been waiting to hear from her in regards to repairing her family home. Right now I feel as though I’m finally beginning to put my past behind me - a space it hasn’t occupied for entirely too long now, I’m sorry to say.

I also couldn’t help but smile some when I heard Corrine had finally stood up to her oldest sister, who by all accounts, has been naught but an overbearing ass on a silly power trip since she slid out of a similar woman thirty-four years ago. I’d have loved to have been a fly on that wall.

Noting both the ongoing theme of “it’s high time that happened” and that Kenna was again in the area, I took her out for a night on the town. Funny thing, it seems that Ron White was in no way exaggerating the manner in which some bars will eject unruly patrons.

As my sore muscles can attest, it didn’t really deter our fun. Rather the opposite, in fact, as the party endured for just shy of three days. Today I plan to recover from the hangover, and return to some overdue work related research.
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