Supernatural, 502, Good God, Y'All

Sep 19, 2009 11:56

My ramble-y, unstructured review under the cut. Written as I watched it for the second time, so it's mostly just commentary. No spoilers for future eps, no

Oh Bobby. :-( "Maybe I'll give him a backrub." Random comment is random.

I hope Bobby bounces back.

I agree with Sammy: Holy Crap! That is cool! I was hoping we'd see what Cas burned/carved into them.

The angel on the cellphone! Awesome! I love that they actually thought that through rather than just have Cas be the exception. I don't know, I find the idea of Cas using modern technology to be cute.

Oh Bobby. I don't think they'll leave you in a wheelchair, the production difficulties alone would make it unfeasible. *hugs Bobby*

Question: is it my imagination or is this the first time that Bobby and Cas have met on-screen? Bobby's certainly acting like he's met Cas before but I don't recall them meeting. Hmm. I guess they met in 401, sort of. Not really though. It was more of a 'shock and awe, now sleepy time' type thing.

I thought that someone might make the point that killing Lucifer might not be the best of plans. I mean, wouldn't they have done that already if they could have? Ah Cas. I wish you had more screen-time in this ep. Oh well. That's mostly just me being a crazy fangirl. :P

Okay, so God DID put them on the plane. I thought that was it. Cool. Nice to know my instincts are good. :)

Still, going to look for God, is...kind of cracky. Interesting, but cracky. I honestly didn't think they'd go there. Cas: "No, He's not on any flat bread." Hahahaha. Okay, that rates up there with Chuck's proclamation that he's a god. A cruel, capricious god. Not quite up there with "Horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing. If I'd known it was real, I'd have taken another pass." Most things aren't though. :-)

Oh Dean. He just sacrificed everything for you and your species and now is the time to go on a 'God sucks' rant? I don't think so. Cas is a true believer. You're just gonna make him mad. There we go, mad and hurt. "I killed two angels this week, my brothers." I don't think the use of the phrases sister/brother has been at all a coincidence . For a show that's all about two brothers who love each other a crazy amount, it has the connotation of a particular kind of connection.

"You and your brother destroyed the world." Reality check anyone?

I love Cas' negotiating strategy. Ask nicely, if that doesn't work, demand in a gravely voice.

"When you find God, tell him to send legs!" Oh Bobby. I love you.

Considering what we find out at the end of the episode, this first scene with Rufus is very well done. It really does give the idea that they're at war.

Very pretty. Watching shows like these make me want to visit Canada. It seems like a picturesque place.

I wonder if it was War or someone else that destroyed the bridge? Hmm.

I wonder what it is about turned over cars that screams 'war zone'. I suppose 'completely abandoned streets' works too. Very pretty, untouched red mustang. Important later of course.

ELLEN! Ellen you're awesome. I love the way she just throws the water in Dean's face. Haha. "What, you can't pick up a phone? What are you? Allergic to giving me peace of mind?" Ellen is totally their hunter mummy. Despite the crapitude that Daddy Winchester was, Sam and Dean really do have a set of really great parents if they just let Ellen be that you know? Bobby as their daddy has been well and truly accepted already but they really need to keep in better touch with Ellen. *glomps Ellen*

Jo and Ellen hunting together is interesting. Don't really have anything to say about it other than that.

Oh Sam. You were so far gone. Coming back isn't going to be as easy as you're hoping it's going to be.

It's interesting watching War pretend to be kind of hopeless. Not something you pick up on the first viewing of course.

Very interesting that another soldier would take Dean for someone who's served.

Sam was saying that he wanted the power that he had while he was sucking blood, gets mad when Dean points that out. Oh sweetie.

Ellen, you're righter than you know. Like I said above, if Sam and Dean let her, Ellen would be more than happy to be their demon hunting mum, which means that they need to FILL HER IN. Hopefully Bobby, or even one of the brothers, will do so at some point.

Jo looks about 17 these days. Better than the 15 she looked the last time we saw her but still. I maintain that Jo was a case of incredibly poor casting. There's nothing wrong with Alona Tal herself really except for how young she looks. (Also, tiny. She doesn't look like she could take on a demon the same way that Ellen does. She has conviction though, which is a plus.)

"Black-eyed bitch." First clue that something's off. Jo and Rufus trying to perform an exorcism on Sam. (Too bad they weren't around last season. Yes, I went there.) I noticed the first time that War was in two places at once, which is rare for me. I don't generally notice that kind of thing, LOL!

"My daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid." "Well, tough. All you've got is me, all I've got is you, so let's figure it out." Oh Ellen. You are awesome. Not one for self-pity!

I like it when Dean manages to put all the pieces together. Dean has been reading his Bible! Makes sense for him to do so, considering, even if only the Book of Revelation. "Wait, back up. It's the apocalypse?!" I love it when there's someone who's really behind the eight ball.

Does War take somebody's form or does he need a vessel? I think it's the former.

The funny thing is that War has a point. We're not the nicest group, collectively. Individually, we're capable of incredible kindness and charity. As a group? Dude, we suck.

"So, pit stop on Mt Doom?" Haha.

I can't believe they're splitting up! I didn't expect that at all. I can't believe that Dean offered up the Impala. I can't believe Sam didn't take it when offered. It was a clear invitation meant to say: You're coming back. I will see you again because you have to return my baby to me.

Dean can't look him in the eye. Damn. I think that both these boys are prone to the occasional fits of crying and I would hazard a guess that that's why. He seemed to me to be holding onto his control by the skin of his teeth.

Damn. Watching Sam run his hand along the Impala felt like he was saying goodbye. Wow. Sometimes I forget how subtle this show can be.

Okay, that was a really good episode. Does this show rock or what? I'm a little amazed when I enjoy an episode of a tv show unambiguously, which comes from watching Smallville I suppose.

With that, I'm done. Next Thursday (okay, Friday for me) can't come quick enough!

*public post, review: supernatural, tv: supernatural

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