Fic Master List (A Different Kind of FML)

May 30, 2030 04:19

After the jump, you’ll find a master list of all of my fic across several fandoms (primarily Supernatural, Supernatural/White Collar, Supernatural/Leverage).  This list will be updated to include my old bandom fic, but it will not be updated with fic posted at casatthedisco.  For my future ice skating fic, and for continuations of my unfinished Supernatural and crossover fic, I will only be updating the master list under my new name.
SPN Character Only Slash

Greetings! - Dean/Castiel - A short piece where I add a Dean/Cas tint to a preview clip for the My Bloody Valentine episode, in which Cupid is very friendly.  One Shot

Brothers With Bad Timing Part 1a of 2, Part 1b of 2 - Dean/Castiel - Just as Dean and Cas start to realize their mutual attraction, Sam develops a case of bad timing. Written for newt_slash . Request was for a fic where Cas and Dean are just about to act on their feelings but keep on getting interrupted by Sam. After a couple of times Sam realizes what’s going on starts mischievously trying to time his interruptions.  Unfinished

A Scene About a Hunter in a Pretty Tie - Dean/Castiel - Dean Smith meets Castiel during “It’s A Terrible Life.” Cas tries to give him a push in the Winchester direction.  A short scene for mrstotten. One Shot

RPS Crossovers

Northbound Countdown Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 - Dean/Misha - Post-4x11 Sex and Violence, Dean meets Misha and, thinking he’s found Castiel’s vessel, worries about what’s happened to our favorite angel.  Finished (Upon re-reading, this is one of my favorite things I’ve written.)

Untitled Comment Fic Part 1: Mexico , Part 2: Cowboys - Dean/Eliot - Dean Winchester goes to drown his sorrows in a bar, stumbles into a Team Leverage con, suspects Eliot is not human, and pretends to be Eliot’s boyfriend (to the amusement of everyone but Eliot). WIP
Supernatural/White Collar

Criminal Chapter 1: A Phone call, Chapter 2: Back story - Dean/Neal -Dean checks into a New York motel using an identity created for him over four years ago by the best forger, counterfeiter, and general white collar criminal Dean has ever known. That criminal? Well he’s happy to see that identity is still in use.  WIP (Upon re-reading, I really enjoy this and plan to continue it on my new journal.)
WWE RPS/Leverage

Untitled Comment Fic - John Cena/Eliot - John and Eliot hook up whenever they’re in the same area.  Prompt: WWE/Leverage, John Cena/Eliot, domestic.  One Shot

Untitled Punk/Morrison Comment Fic - CM Punk/John Morrison - Morrison walks in on Punk licking his hand and proceeds to flirt.  That's basically it.  Response to comment_fic prompt: WWE RPS, CM Punk/John Morrison, superstition.  One Shot
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel ‘verse

One and Only - Spike/Xander - Song Fic in 4 vignettes from Spike’s perspective. “One and Only” - Timbaland feat. Fall Out Boy.  The last two parts are pretty connected, but for the most part it’s just scenes and thoughts.  One Shot
Gossip Girl

Untitled Chuck & Dan Project - Part 1 of 2 - Chuck Bass/Dan Humphrey - One way that Chuck and Dan start working towards their inevitable hate sex.  Kind of non-con in some ways, but not all out.  Unfinished
To be linked…

chuck/dan, dean/neal, dean/misha, dean/eliot, supernatural, fic, leverage, dean/castiel, crossover, announcements, spike/xander, buffy the vampire slayer slash, angel slash, gossip girl slash, white collar, wrestling, crossover:rps

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