I'm just in the beginning stages of rolling this out, but I've got a new journal over at
casatthedisco in order to better reflect the name I actually use in most of my fandoms: Castiel at the Disco. I'll still be checking my f-list over here for now, but when I get around to posting more fic it will probably be at the new journal. If anyone is not on my f-list, but has been following my continuing fic, I will post in this journal to let you know when I've started writing again. Everyone on my f-list is more than welcome to friend my new journal, and I will certainly be adding you guys back once I start actually putting content up. (Actually, I have a feeling I'll more than likely be adding people on my f-list, PMing them to explain who I am and to ask to be added back, and hoping I don't lose everyone in the move.) Don't worry if you're in the middle of reading old fic though; I won't purge and delete this journal as I don't feel like bringing all of my old fic over, I don't want to screw up any archiving that's been done on comms I post to, and it's really just easier to be able to check my complete f-list here and not try to re-join moderated comms.