Title: Northbound Countdown 4/10 (a/k/a 3.5.2009, 7 Days until SPN returns from break.)
Author: Nikki Loza (a/k/a
calcium_yeah )
Disclaimer: A collection of people own Supernatural and its characters. Misha owns himself. I own nothing.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Supernatural/RPS
Genre/ Pairing: Slash. Dean/Misha. Contemplation of Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: Takes place post-4x11 Sex and Violence.
Warnings: WIP written live over 10 days, so you may wish to wait until the end if you would like the full, edited version. Thoughts of angel!porn.
Notes: This is AU in the sense that Jensen, Misha, Jared etc. do not work on “Supernatural”, but rather as voiceover artists on a popular cartoon so they’re not as recognizable to the general public; I didn’t want to address Misha playing Castiel and Jensen playing Dean in this fic so Misha has never heard of the Winchesters, but Dean definitely recognizes Misha’s face as Castiel. Also, Misha’s single and has a home near Boston, while Jen and Jared are friends who live together in Vancouver.
Summary: Scenes from a day where Dean, pretending to be Jensen, brought Sam along on his way to dinner with Misha in an effort to determine if the actor was Castiel’s vessel. 10 day Dean/Misha countdown to Supernatural's return from winter break.
Earlier that day, Dean had called Misha for directions and mentioned that he wanted to bring a surprise guest to dinner.
“Let me guess…it’s gotta be Jared or Chris.” Misha sounded excited at the prospect of extra company, which made Dean a bit more confident that the other man didn’t think that this was going to be a date. After speaking with Sam, Dean had started to get paranoid about his conversation with Misha in the drugstore. He’d been so distracted with thoughts of Castiel and justifications for the presence of the man standing in front of him that Sam’s ribbing had him wondering if he’d missed out on some obvious cues.
“You’ll just have to see.” Dean forced out a chuckle, trying to sound distractingly charming without coming across as flirtatious just to play it safe.
After getting Misha’s address, Sam was able to do enough searching to find his full name and from there he discovered that he worked with someone named Jensen. About an hour of research turned up a cast list for the show that Misha and Jen worked on with someone named Jared, and there was one mention of someone named Christian, but no pictures of anyone that Sam and Dean could identify as the Jared or Chris that Misha had mentioned.
“You know, your surprises really aren’t all that surprising.” Misha greeted Dean when he and Sam arrived at his house that evening. “I knew it was going to be Jared or Chris.”
“What can I say, I’m an open book.” Dean spread his arms and was taken by surprise when Misha moved in for a hug. His gaze darted over to see Sam smirking at him and Dean squinted in return.
Sam held his hand out for a handshake, but Misha just grabbed on and pulled the taller man into a hug.
“Um, hey.” Sam shifted awkwardly until Misha pulled back and offered to give the brothers a tour of his home. As Misha led them further into the house, Sam signaled to Dean to hang back a few steps.
“So, am I Jared or am I Chris?” Sam whispered at the top of Dean’s head.
“I don’t know. Maybe you can hang back here staring at that chair or something and I’ll ask him to call you in.”
“Okay. And I think I know enough about those guys to pass for whoever he thinks I am-at least until we figure out what’s going on.”
“Yeah, I’m just mad we don’t get to use your back-story.”
“That back-story was stupid, Dean. I don’t even know why I agreed to it.”
“Lindsey the traveling magician would’ve been awesome.”
“What was I supposed to do if he wanted to see a trick? Move his chair with my mind?”
Before Dean could figure out how he felt about that off-hand reference to Sammy’s freaky demon blood powers, Misha called out from the next room, “Is Jared having trouble fitting under the doors? I didn’t really build the place to his proportions.
Two hours into their evening with Misha, Sam and Dean were getting comfortable in their roles as Jared and Jensen. Misha hadn’t reacted to the holy water that Dean slipped into his drink and the Latin exorcism that Sam attempted to casually place into conversation as an example of a poem he’d once heard.
While Misha was engaging Sam in a story about interning at the White House, a story that he “could’ve sworn” he’d told Jared already, it hit Dean that he’d almost forgotten that he was supposed to be treating this as a hunt.
It had been easy, settling into an evening of food and conversation-something that was becoming a rare occurrence with the breaking seals and approaching apocalypse on top of their usual hunts. Misha had kind of come in like a whirlwind of unexpected joy, with Dean dropping into the role of Jensen Ackles, a guy who belonged in Misha’s world, a guy who was supposed to be used to just sitting around and enjoying himself.
Watching Sam looking so intrigued at the idea of the type of job that he could never go for now reminded Dean that they were playing roles. It was odd pulling out of the moment, like when he regained some consciousness of the real world while the djinn had him living out a lie. Watching Misha, he almost felt like he was in some alternate reality where Cas was just a regular guy who cooked him dinner and engaged his brother in conversation and showed up in his life not just to bring bad news or deliver orders, but to spend some time.
If Dean focused on blocking out the conversation, he could almost pretend that Cas was in front of him now, that he’d tracked Dean down in Massachusetts and that he hadn’t been absent since the mess of violence and drama that came down around Anna.
Dean kept flashing back to that look that last look that Cas gave him. Did it mean he wasn’t coming back? Aside from the handprint on his arm, was the man chatting happily in front of him the only physical remainder of the angel’s presence in Dean’s life?
He hated not knowing if he’d ever see Cas again, and as he watched Sam pretending to be someone who may or may not even really look like him, he hated knowing that there was no real way to even keep this vessel-if that’s who he was-in their lives.
Dean wanted to though. The more he looked at Misha, the more he wanted to be able to see him from time to time. And it wasn’t just that he wanted to be around if this was the vessel and Cas came back, it was also that he associated that face with everything Cas had represented for him.
Years of seeing the worst that the world had to offer, even more years in hell as the tortured and the torturer, and then Cas gave him the second glimpse at what it meant to believe-something he hadn’t felt since seeing a would-be rapist impaled with a piece of scaffolding.
And now it looked like Cas was gone. But he’d found Misha, who maybe needed his help and invited him into his home, and didn’t think his brother was out to end the world. It almost made him want to believe in something; how could he give that up?