Northbound Countdown 3/10 (Dean/Misha, Dean/Cas)

Mar 04, 2009 23:48

Title: Northbound Countdown 3/10 (a/k/a 3.4.2009, 8 Days until SPN returns from break.)
Author: Nikki Loza (a/k/a calcium_yeah )
Disclaimer: A collection of people own Supernatural and its characters.  Misha owns himself.  I own nothing.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Supernatural/RPS
Genre/ Pairing: Slash.  Dean/Misha.  Contemplation of Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: Takes place post-4x11 Sex and Violence.
Warnings: WIP written live over 10 days, so you may wish to wait until the end if you would like the full, edited version.  Thoughts of angel!porn.
Notes: This is AU in the sense that Jensen, Misha, Jared etc. do not work on “Supernatural”, but rather as voiceover artists on a popular cartoon so they’re not as recognizable to the general public; I didn’t want to address Misha playing Castiel and Jensen playing Dean in this fic so Misha has never heard of the Winchesters, but Dean definitely recognizes Misha’s face as Castiel.  Also, Misha’s single and has a home near Boston, while Jen and Jared are friends who live together in Vancouver.

Summary: After Dean meets Misha and thinks he may be Castiel’s vessel, Sam and Dean talk outside of Misha’s house.  10 day Dean/Misha countdown to Supernatural's return from winter break.

The boys were almost half an hour late arriving at Misha’s house.  Or, more accurately, they were almost half an hour late arriving at his front door because after they’d scouted out the area with the EMF, Dean had insisted that they try to inconspicuously circle the property with salt.

“Isn’t this a little extreme?” Sam held the container of salt in front of his face, tipping it over in the process and letting a slim stream of salt fall to the ground.

Dean frowned at his brother and tapped the side of the container, knocking it into an upright position. “It’ll be nice to focus on keeping our back-stories straight and figuring out if we’ve got a missing angel on our hands without worrying about demons flying in.”

“I get that, and I get bringing this stuff in with us, but you want to circle this whole place?  That’s like running around drawing devil’s traps in every diner we go to or every house where we talk to some grieving widow.”

“What’s it gonna take?  Ten minutes?  You spent longer than that making yourself all fresh and pretty to tag along.”

“I took a shower, Dean.  I’m not going to show up at someone’s house for dinner after not washing for three days.”

Dean pouted and smelled himself.

Sam rolled his eyes.  “Look, I’m just wondering what you’re expecting to accomplish. If that guy in there really is a vessel for an angel of the Lord, I’m guessing he’s got better protections on him than our salt circle.”

“Oh, because those guys really look after their own.” Dean felt the handprint on his arm tingle the way it did whenever he voiced his lack of faith.  It was beginning to become a constant feeling, especially since the ordeal with Anna.  The last time he’d even seen Castiel-almost being taken out at the hands of that uber demon, being saved by Dean, holding Uriel back, eyes trying to tell Dean something that he couldn’t figure out, even now.

“Dean, this might not even be Castiel’s vessel.”

“Can you not give me a hard time about this?!” Dean’s eyebrows were raised as if to plead with Sam to just leave it alone.  He tried to adopt a more ordered tone, but it wasn’t completely successful. “ It’s salt, we put it down, we go inside-it doesn’t have to be a whole thing.”

“I don’t get why it’s a thing for me to want some information.  Did something happen that I don’t know about?  Did something seem off in your conversation?”

“No, I told you-I told you what happened.  I stopped keeping secrets a long time ago.” Dean held his arms out in silent challenge.

“You can bait me all you want, but I’m here and I’m pretty glad actually because something’s off about you right now.  Salting down an entire yard?  It’s a little bit over the top, Dean.”

“Fine.  I’m gonna go ahead and take this ‘over the top’ precaution.” Dean turned and began walking in the opposite direction, sprinkling salt as he went.


“No, man, it’s cool.” Dean turned to face Sam, but continued walking backwards as he spoke. “You’ve got your way of protecting us, right?  More efficient, you’re better at it-“

“I told you I was sorry.” Sam started walking towards Dean, careful to avoid smudging the salt line.

“Yeah…” Dean stopped.  “Look, didn’t even want to talk about it, just….that’s either Cas’ vessel in there or something looking a hell of a lot like him.  And I really don’t feel like explaining my reasoning to you, I really don’t.  But, I’m not half-assing this.”

Sam sighed, but turned back to the start of Dean’s salt line and began sprinkling in the other direction, knowing that if something went wrong because it wasn’t there, that Dean wouldn’t let up about it for weeks and they had enough problems as it was without him giving Dean something else to be right or righteous about.

fic, dean/castiel, dean/misha, supernatural, northbound countdown, crossover:rps

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