dargus brought up a great point yesterday when he applied to my entry. I may not word this right, but I think He said he gets to know a person partially by getting to know their friends. So, when picking a future mate, what does their choice of friends say about them? That's a good thing to look at, thanks
In other news, the steriod nasal spray I'm on is working and I'm having less drainage and sore throats. I am having more energy and even managed to put together a book case for my mom today. The only drawback to the steriod stuff is an increased appetite and an increased sensitivity to heat. I was sweating like a pig today while watching TV and it wasn't even hot. As for the appetite, I have a pizza and a fried chicken dinner waiting for me at home.
Last night my mom cooked my favorite dish of hers: bacon fried rice. It's made with rice, soy sauce, bacon and eggs and is the best thing in the whole wide world. I go just wild over it every time she fixes it. I tried to fix it once last summer when I was still living in my apartment and I couldn't get it like she does. Rice is hard to cook.
I haven't listed what I'm thankful for in a couple of days, so here is my list:
God gives second (and third, fourth and even fifth chances)
Celebrate Recovery, and the fact that my group graduates tomorrow night
My pizza waiting for me at home
My medication and the fact that it's working
My dogs
Good friends
My breathing is pretty good today
Air Conditioning
My conversation with Laurie
I don't have shingles
I got my mom's book case up
My mom gets paid tomorrow
I get paid monday