What I should be doing

Dec 08, 2008 20:00

I should be studying for my finals. But id rather play on facebook and update this so heres to being very unproductive. I took one of my finals this morning, I am not sure but I think I did fairly well on it. I am actually mad at my teacher for telling us it was 40 questions and it ended up being 25. That makes me made because each question was going to be worth 2.5 now its 4. Its not that hard of material I would just rather have more questions. But the good thing is I have nothing tomorrow so I can study Finance and Operations Management ALL DAY LONG!!! I know you want to have my life. Its going to rain a lot tomorrow so it should be a good study day, or nap day.

So in other news, im doing alright. School isnt killing me as much as I thought this week. I have had a headache most of the day and its finally gone down. I helped Kmac with some angel tree stuff today, it was really cool going into an elementary school and being a GIANT. I have no idea what compelled me to Caps that but it looks cool. And its always nice helping out a friend and just having that company. Timmy and Mary got married! You might of read about this already but here it is again. It was great seeing everybody. Were I was sitting, before Mary walked down the aisle, Timmy was directly in front of me(5 or 6 rows but you get the picture). and he had a little smirk on his face which made me smile then it turned into a big ole grin and I saw Timmy almost crack up. It would of gone well with the wedding if he did because Myrle and Brian were cracking jokes while doing the service.

So I will admit to something, its hard for me to do because it has been plaguing me for sometime now, when I get bored....I facebook stalk. I know I know, its a terrible addiction, but its better than some other things. I just get really bored throughout the day or while taking a study break I wonder on to peoples facebooks I havent heard from in months or years. I see somethings on facebook which make me laugh like Nick Jones chopping down a Christmas tree and other things kind of put me in a weird mood. It does suck when you care for a person and the feelings arent as mutual as you would hope and then to see that person in a relationship, blows my mind. I really should not think so much into it but I do and I want to say im over it, but if I was, I would not be saying this.

Tonight is the 2 hour Series Finale of one of my favorite shows, Boston Legal. Its going to be epic, at least I hope it is. Well, I guess its off to my Finance book. Boo

As Matt Miller told me on Saturday, You Stay Classy
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