After 4 hours..

Dec 04, 2008 09:20

We had elections last night for the fraternity, it took us four hours to complete this process. We got it done, and we got ourselves a good group for EC next year. Yesterday wasn't a bad day, I did not study much for my finals, I listened to Paul Finebaum most of the day. I did go to all of my classes and in one my teacher claimed that he does not see himself giving a grade below a C- so thats nice. This is the same teacher who gave us an opinion qustion for some bonus points and then tells us there was a right and wrong answer. WHAT THE CRAP! He tells us that you cannot argue your point and then goes on to argue with us because he asked us an opinion question that has a correct answer.

I like to think that I am ready for my finals, I do have 5 tests spread out over 4 days. My last final is at the last possible time the university can offer, 7PM on friday night. The class time is probably one of the most popular times to have a class (3:30-4;45). Thats going to stink, really because my final before that is at 8AM thursday morning, so I have around 36 hours to wait around for another final.

Im in a Sushi mood.
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