Feb 03, 2009 10:44
It's been a long time since someone wrote something on LJ that made me really disgusted with that person. I've seen Chai write stuff that didn't surprise me, but this was totally unexpected and disappointing.
Did you know that if you are anti-vaccine, you're cattle that just watch Oprah and don't do any research? God, I must be sooooo stupid for spending hours and hours looking into each and every shot, and making the decision to delay vaccines.
Did you know that Jenny McCarthy is anti all vaccines everywhere? HAH! No, she's not. She wants a revised schedule where children are not inundated with nearly 40 different vaccines before the age of 2.
I am so angry I'm not going to make any sense. Suffice to say, I'm quite sure this person hasn't done research on the other side of the issue, and just made a snap judgment and blanket statements about people that worry. We're morons, idiots, braindead and whatever else. Nice to know.
Oh by the way? Fuck you.