220 Near Disasters

Sep 09, 2009 19:29

Recently Acquired

1 little brother (Need I give the speech again? Do not incur my ire.)
1 homicidal plush bear (In pieces.)
1 homicidal plush bear's miniature katana (It's an impressive blade, actually. The craftsmanship is exquisite.)
1 significant increase in paperwork (This accounts for my increased consumption of willow bark tea. I anticipate a further increase in accordance with the first item on this list.)

[ooc: Let's try some more of this posting thing. I apologize if I have to abruptly duck out. I'm still trying to ease back into the game.

Signing off. Night!]

big brother, management, hero complex, sets off metal detectors at 100 feet, cal came back, wheatgrass is good for you, i love my katana, ninja, where does he hide all those swords, bills don't pay themselves, responsible grown up, listen to my words grasshopper, oh my god he has a sense of humor, cal, strict task master, plays with sharp objects, body is a temple, health food guru, this is how he does relaxed, buddha-loving bad ass

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