
Nov 11, 2011 01:16

Just got back from the release party for Skyrim. I froze my butt off, had an unsolicited vulgar song sung to me by a total stranger and had a fibro flare-up, but I got my game so yay? I probably should've waited until tomorrow to pick it up, especially since my new arthritis meds lower my immune system like whoa and there's no telling what I got exposed to in that long, freezing line, but eh, I've never been to a release party (which was really just a line) and I wanted to see what it was like, so now I never have to go to one again. At least I was smart and bundled up, unlike some of the macho idiots (not all of whom were male) who were wearing t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops in windy, thirty degree weather. One of them even had a coat in his car, but refused to go and get it even though he claimed to be freezing and his girlfriend offered to hold his place in line. Dumbass.

Anyway, despite my excitement over my new game, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to play it, as I'm plum whupped right now.

skyrim, meds, games, asshattery, stupidity should hurt, gaming

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