-My grandmother just checked out of the hospital, even though we're still waiting for her test results. I haven't really been told what they're testing for or what exactly is going on, just that she was in a lot of pain and was on morphine. I'm trying very hard not to be jealous of that.
-My doctor thinks that my recent issues with sleep and depression are largely due to the slow buildup of stress that has been growing since my grandfather had his stroke back in October, so she doubled my dose of Elavil. I think that I've had a bit of a spike in stress due to the disability rejection letter I received last week, which condescendingly said that they know I don't think I'm capable of work, but I actually am, and that all I need to do is find a job that doesn't make me lift stuff, never mind the fact that that's only one of my limitations. Obviously they know my case better than I do, because the psychologist they sent me to gave me a five minute questionnaire and then sent me home. Same with the general practitioner they sent me do, only their tests involved poking and prodding and pretending they couldn't hear me when I said "Ow, that really hurts," and "Please don't touch my neck because it gives me a panic attack." Yep, total medical history there. It was about a week before I could even look at the goddamn letter without cussing up a blue storm and throwing something. Luckily, the law firm that's representing me in this matter sent me a letter saying they disagree with the decision and are going to help me appeal. I know they're only helping because they don't get paid otherwise, but it still gave me a bit of a morale-boost. Christ, that was wordy.
-On a related note, I've been incredibly irritable lately and have barely managed to restrain myself from snapping at everyone around me. If you turn on the TV one day and see a news story about a crazy lady limping around and hitting people with a rolled-up newspaper, you'll know I've finally cracked. I'm just kidding, I'd never do that. Nobody uses newspapers for anything these days.
-Max is sick, so I took him to the vet this afternoon, and he will probably never forgive me for it. Anyway, she thinks he's got either allergies or an upper respiratory infection, so she gave me some antihistamines and anti-virals for him. Here's hoping they help him.
-Pokemon B&W on Sunday!
-I've finished Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded, and really loved it. It's not my favorite game of the series, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless.
-I would probably enjoy using Lisa's western saddle more if my legs weren't so short. Even at their shortest length, the stirrups are still too long for me. God, I hate being 4'11". Still, riding is riding.
RJ trying to untie himself. He succeeded.
Max does not like the vet's office.
The vet's office kitty, Roundabout. He really likes their in-tray.