Dec 13, 2009 01:38
1. I slept until 3 PM on my blessedly soft, cushy and now stench-free bed. Oh, how I have missed it. I think I've just about made up for all of the sleep I lost last week.
2. I took the last of my ten-day antibiotics last night, so no more mild-yet-constant nausea for me until Tuesday, when I'll probably wish that I could go back to that.
3. There is a large, longhaired cat that looks like a possible relative of Baron living on our back porch. He (or at least, I hope it's a he) is an aggressively friendly sort who has insinuated himself into our lives these past few weeks. I don't know if he belongs to anyone now, but it's pretty clear that he did belong to someone at some point, what with the way he acts whenever you pet him or feed him. Needy, insistent headbutts into your hand and frantic circles around the food bowl, with the odd encouraging headbutt to speed things along. He's a snuggler, too. He'll get right up into your lap and then settle down to purr like it's going out of style. Since he's not very comfortable being inside yet, dad bought a fancy heating pad for him to sleep on outside, which he loves. I expect that it will only be a matter of time before dad takes him to the vet and gets him vaccinated and fixed. After that happens, I believe that he, like Baron, while gradually become a mostly-inside cat. I predict that next year around this time, another cat will emerge from the woods and follow the same process. We're suckers.
4. My drawing mojo has started to return. Tonight I finished three sketches that I don't actually loathe, which hasn't happened in months. Here's hoping that my writing mojo is soon to follow. I gots deadlines to make.
My non-animated icon is dancing along with The Italo Brothers' "Stamp On the Ground." This means that the Ambien has kicked in and it's time for me to go to bed.