I haven't booked our flights yet, but cookieman and I will VERY LIKELY be in the US from 30th April to approximately 19th May. We haven't figured out where we will be the entire time, as we will try to fit an RI visit in there, as well as forcing ourselves onto
xeven for a day or two, but it's all still in the planning stage. By 'planning' I mean, we just have decided we're going to do this trip. ahem.
I've read the Washington Post, the greatest paper evar, is planning to do a
hunt similar to the ones organized by the Miami Herald ages ago. In fact, it's being organized by the same people: Dave Barry and Gene Weingarten. This has potential to be very fun, and I know all of my friends are extremely clever people, so we should absolutely take part in this.
I don't actually have plans for winning this event or anything, but it looks like great fun. Take a look at the video link on the main page I linked above. It gives a description of the event, plus a chance for you to cringe at Gene's voice.
Anyone else up for this?