
Jun 25, 2010 11:23


✧ NAME: Boss
✧ LJ USERNAME: Wittyndelicious
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): theparryiswrong on AIM and Plurk


✧ NAME: Count D
✧ SERIES: Pet Shop of Horrors: Toyko
✧ HISTORY: D was raised by his grandfather, the real “Count D”, instead of by his father. Grandfather (or Sofu D, as fandom commonly refers to him), instilled in the now second-youngest of the three D's the mission for vengeance against humankind that his ancestors had taken in revenge against the near-extinction of their kind, and for the mistreatment of animals worldwide on the part of the humans. Their mission is to wipe out all of humanity, though D seems content to do it only one human at a time, and only to those who really, really deserve it. They do this through selling and loaning out “pets” through a pet store, owned by Sofu D.

D has lived in many cities all around the world. Before he ended up in Japan, D lived for awhile in California. After a string of incidents in which his customers were attacked by the animals purchased from his shop, the local police department investigated. The officer sent to his shop was Leon Orcot, a young detective. Despite Leon's suspicion of D and his determination to put this dangerous criminal behind bars, the two became good friends, with Leon spending a lot of time in D's shop, coming by for tea almost daily. Eventually, Leon's little brother, Chris, comes to live with the detective after an incident at home (Chris had been living with his aunt and uncle until his cousin told him about his real mother who died giving birth to him, and Chris lost his ability to speak). Instead of taking him to a special school like he promised his aunt and uncle he would, Leon decides to keep Chris, which means that Chris ends up living with Count D because Leon doesn't have the time or money to take care of the kid. Chris stays with Leon until he regains his ability to speak.

D has Chris for nearly a year, and during that time, he and Leon manage to abducted by Peruvian terrorists, solve several odd cases, and go on a “family vacation” sort of thing to the beach where D trades bodies with a mermaid so she can warn the islanders of an impending volcanic eruption. D and Leon also birth a dragon together and spend most of their time fighting. Before Chris leaves, he and D are abducted by a young woman seeking revenge on Leon, who killed her boyfriend in the line of duty. Leon, Q-chan, (one of D's “pets”) and Jill rescue Chris and D. In the next volume, Chris and Leon's cousins come to apologize to Chris and end up taking them home with them without asking D or Leon's permission. After Chris leaves, D is rather heartbroken about it, and the two seem to fight less.

With Chris gone, D has little reason to remain in California, and it seems like he may be aware that the FBI has caught up to the pet shop again. He leaves the city, heading east along the Colorado river and looking for a city in which he can build a new life. Leon agrees to help Agent Vesca look for D, and when reports of animal attacks along the river begin showing up, Leon is pushed off the case since it is out of his jurisdiction. Vesca catches D hitchhiking along the river, and D smacks him with his suitcase and runs into the woods, pursued by Vesca and local law enforcement. Vesca shoots him, and instead of a blood trail, D leaves a trail of flowers along the path he takes. With no choice before him, D jumps into the river, to be rescued and carried safely upstream by a group of black dragons. Unable to find his suitcase, D discovers that Vesca has it and uses the threat of his animals to get the FBI agent to drive the two of them back to Los Angeles to see his father.

When they arrive in LA, they discover that Leon had been captured by D's father, drugged, and tossed into a jungle full of incredibly vicious animals where he was seriously injured trying to save himself by fighting off the animals. D tends to Leon's injuries as Papa D and Vesca talk. It is revealed that D's grandfather had been by D's side at all times, in the form of Q-chan, the babbit (bat-rabbit). Together, the three “Count D”s reveal their evil scheme for vengeance against humankind to Leon and Vesca. Papa D announces that he has completed a super-weapon he has been working on for years, and so when he goes to press the button, Leon shoots him in the head. Not that it does any good; Papa D still manages to blow apart the top few floors. From his corpse comes another child, and Sofu D takes him off to raise him.

Injured, Leon is ready to give up, but D saves him from the burning sky rise by jumping from the side of the building and flying. Leon is shown that the pet shop is really a flying ship, but D pushes him off and back down to earth, informing him that humans have not earned the right to be aboard it.

In the end, Leon ends up chasing D around the world, nearly stumbling across him in Germany, before D settles into a new building in Tokyo called Neo Chinatown. It's a skyscraper full of Chinese shops and restaurants, where one can get the feeling of a whole Chinese village in just one building. The owner is a man named Wu Fei Rau, whom everybody calls “Taizuu” (which I believe means “King”). In this Chinatown, there are specific hours during which all shops must remain open - 10am-9pm. Right away, Taizuu and D do not get along, but because Taizuu can hold D's lease over his head, it takes D awhile to begin throwing things at him like he used to do to Leon. Taizuu's assistant, a slightly older man named Chin, often brings D gifts.

Immediately, Taizuu begins hearing the usual rumors associated with the shop - pets sent home only to be exchanged at night for beautiful men and women, for example - and is suspicious of D. He follows him around, looking for a reason to throw him out aside from D's constant breaking of the rules which dictate store hours. As he spends more and more time in D's shop looking for some incriminating evidence, the two begin to get a little closer, though the dislike is still there. They watch movies together, go to festivals together, and go bar hopping (at gay bars) together. Taizuu, though he is the head of the Shanghai mafia in Tokyo and the heir to the head of the family, has a rather kind side to him. When D is gone for an entire day, he watches after the shop for the Count, feeding and bathing the animals.

✧ TIMELINE: Hmm. After volume 7, chapter 1.

✧ PERSONALITY: Count D is a rather complicated being. His personality changes slightly depending on who he's around, there are two things above all that are most important to him: animals and cake. Considering his level of disdain for the human race, it makes sense that Count D would prefer other animals over humans. He shows kindness to any animal he comes across, and often can't resist taking in more when asked with big puppy eyes. In this way, one could say he's kind of a softie for anything with fur or scales. D is friends with several guardian beasts and powerful mystical creatures, always showing respect to these beings.

When it comes to human beings, however, D tends to deal with each one in a different manner. With those he knows well (and doesn't dislike), D is very cordial and pleasant. He is very polite and diplomatic (especially when dealing with the ambassadors' wives at an embassy party), and can be as charming as men come. However, if his buttons are pushed, D can become testy and snappy. He's not afraid to say no to a customer if he does not think they would make good owners (or lunch) for his pets. When he's dealing with Taizuu, D does not hesitate to throw water at him, yell at him, or toss him out of the shop for interfering with business. So long as the person he's talking to isn't behaving like an ass, D is friendly and easy to get along with. The more sweets the person happens to bring, the nicer he will behave.

D's also incredibly resistant to change. Taizuu, Femto (a cat who possesses the body of a Pharaoh from another of the mangaka's series), and Chin all try to convince him to get a computer and cell phone after D has to ask what Youtube is. It takes Chin pointing out that D could special order sweets with it to get him to cave in and buy one, and even then he still seems to think it is partially ridiculous. While showing him what the computer can do, Taizuu and Femto show him pictures of cats, and his reply of “So now we're looking at kittens in a room where we're surrounded by kittens” show that. He still does not have a cell phone, and refuses to get rid of his 8-track or rotary phone.

Another important part of D's personality is his determination. When it comes to finding the perfect pet for customers he approves of, D will go all out for that customer. At one point, he and Taizuu spend an entire chapter searching for a kappa for two young children, even though D has never seen or heard of one. For another young lady, he finds an octopus during his search for her “perfect prince”. If the customer is worthy, D will often go all out for them, providing exactly what is needed.

When angered, D's been known to break things (such as teacups on Leon's head or the doors to the inner part of the shop), and to get creative revenge. The volume after Taizuu orders all workers in the building to have a medical exam (and therefore, forces D to have a medical exam), D declares his pet shop to be a non-smoking area to get revenge on the chain-smoking Taizuu and makes a bet with him saying that Taizuu doesn't have the willpower to quit.

✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: D has many abilities, not the least of which the ability to eat cake after cake and never gain a pound. He can fly, or has some kind of natural ability to levitate, and he does use some kind of magic in certain cases, perhaps brought on by the shop's incense, which he can at least use to enter a trance, visiting locations and time periods of the past. D is also a natural at judging people, looking into their hearts to see what they're really like. That power, I think, is associated with his right eye, which is gold. He can also use that eye to see the lasers on security systems and knows at least a bit of some form of self-defense. D knows the language of all animals, and thus seems to speak every language ever. He can hear animal voices crying out for help from anywhere in the world. He seems to rely a lot on incense to do a lot of his cool stuff and can breathe and talk normally underwater.


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