I finally finished this

Jun 14, 2007 21:11

Dear Lord, I am so exhausted I could fall over. I woke up at 8:30 this morning, got to work at 10:30, worked till 6:30 then had to get all the stuff Mom wanted which took me till 8:00. Finally got home, watered the veggies, got everything out of the car and finished this quiz. Do enjoy.

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.

Characters chosen:
1. Jase
2. Kare
3. Harmony
4. Cam
5. Ren

How old are you?
Jase: Eighteen and a half. Almost.
Kare: Sixteen. Well, almost seventeen, actually. Wow.
Harmony: Just hit sixteen.
Cam: Twenty-six.
Ren: To ask a lady such a question! Twenty-five. Oh, wait, no... I suppose I'm twenty-seven, now. How much older am I than you, sweetheart?

Jase: 178 centimetres. Which is... a little under six feet.
Kare: 162 centimetres.
Harmony: One hundred forty-nine and three quarters centimetres, thank you.
Cam: Oh, one seventy-five-ish.
Ren: Oh, I haven't the foggiest. Taller than Cam, though. Yes, I am!

You got any bad habits?
Jase: Oh, I'm sure I do, but I can't think of them at the moment.
Kare: I... get distant sometimes. And skip meals, but I don't see why that's such a big deal.
Harmony: I chew my fingernails.
Cam: Um... no?
Ren: Oh, I beg to differ... Fine, I'll stick to me, but I bet I could answer a lot of his questions better than... Oh, fine. Okay, so I don't shut up sometimes. You shut up!

Are you a virgin?
Jase: No.
Kare: Yes.
Harmony: Oh, dear Lord, yes.
Cam: Uh, no. Hah.
Ren: *snort* Heehee, no.

Who's your mate?
Jase: 'Mate', eh? Isn't that what the Brit's call their good pals? Oh, I know what you mean, but you know my answer, anyway. Niko.
Kare: Oh, that sort of mate. I don't really have one.
Harmony: Nobody, really.
Cam: *smirk* Ren.
Ren: Har, Cam.

Have any kids?
Jase: Er, no. Haah.
Kare: *snicker* I highly doubt it.
Harmony: No.
Cam: Not quite.
Ren: Oh, you and your being smart. Almost.

Favourite food?
Jase: Oh, you cannot possibly ask me this. Okay, thinking. Give me a moment. I'll get back to you.
Kare: Well... I really like hamburgers. I love hamburgers.
Harmony: Fresh strawberries, hands down. Just picked or on a spinach salad with a sugar vinagrette... mmm.
Cam: Hm. Tacos are good. Beef and beans and cheese and lettuce and sour cream and salsa and tomatos and avocados and the Mexican spices... ugh. Yum.
Ren: Oh, Jehova, food! I love food! Jesus, uhm... pick one, pick one... Oh, God, yes, a juicy, rare sirloin. God's gift to his chosen people. Oh, the cow is melting in my mouth; I can taste it.

Favourite ice cream flavour?
Jase: Strawberry.
Kare: Well, I really like vanilla. Which is, in fact, a flavour, just in case you were think I was boring or anything.
Harmony: Mm... ice cream. I like the kindwith the chocolate and the strawberry and the vanilla all in one. And pistachio. I like spumoni, too, that's good. Is that too many?
Cam: Eeeh... cookie dough.
Ren: Double chocolate chocolate-covered-cherry fudge chocolate.

Killed anyone?
Jase: Dear God, no.
Kare: Whoa. Why are you asking me that? No!
Harmony: Goodness no!
Cam: Erm, I'm pretty sure I haven't.
Ren: No. Well, I don't think so. Not intentionally. ...No.

Hate anyone?
Jase: ...I'd like to say no.
Kare: Um... no.
Harmony: No. People weren't made to be hated.
Cam: Not that I can think of, so probably not.
Ren: Not sober, and not today.

Any secrets?
Jase: Oh, probably. Omigosh, Maman made this delicious, cheesey, noodley, lasagnaey thing the other night. I think it might be my favorite food. No, that's not a secret.
Kare: That usually depends on who's asking.
Harmony: ...A few.
Cam: Um... not that I know of.
Ren: There are some things I keep on the down-low, but anything real bad about me even I don't know.

Love anyone?
Jase: I love everyone! I love you! No, I know what you mean, stupid. I am desperately in love with Niko and pine after him day after day. :P
Kare: Well, aside from Mum and Cam and Henry, no, and I'm pretty sure that's what you're asking.
Harmony: That way? ...No, I suppose not.
Cam: *points*
Ren: Aw, you're so sweet. *smooches Cam*

Jase: Ooo! I like tacos, too!
Kare: ...are good? Cam likes tacos.
Harmony: I prefer the soft kind; easier to eat.
Cam: Tacooos... *drool*
Ren: Oh, you silly goose. Here, have a beer.

Ever slept in all day?
Jase: Yes, but usually not under the best of circumstances. Although lately....
Kare: Once or twice when I was sick, but not just because.
Harmony: I try not to.
Cam: Uh, yes. Working nights does that to you.
Ren: *snort* Uh-huh.

Favourite show?
Jase: Show... television... I don't really watch much tv. Although the missus has me listening to these old Sherlock Holmes radio shows and those can be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Kare: Oh, God, you'll laugh. I like Discovery Civilisation. See, I knew you'd laugh.
Harmony: I don't really watch television. Although I do remember watching a funny programme with my gram when I was younger... It was about workers in a department store.
Cam: Oh, do I even watch anything anymore? I am a fan of Andromeda.
Ren: I usually enjoy American television. And cartoons.

Favorite band/Singer?
Jase: Queen.
Kare: *blank stare* Don't even go there.
Harmony: Oh, my, hundreds. Although Enya is a favorite local of mine.
Cam: Oh, Jesus, I live for the music. You really have to ask?
Ren: God in Heaven, I'm surrounded by musicians. Hey, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'm a big fan of O.A.R.

Eye colour/s?
Jase: Light gray-blue-greeney.
Kare: Greenish-blue.
Harmony: Blue.
Cam: Bright blue.
Ren: Brown.

Jase: Soft and touchable! ;P
Kare: You mean skin color? Well, white.
Harmony: Huh? What about it?
Cam: Is pale and freckly.
Ren: I've got sexy skin, thanks.

Jase: Oh, I'm skinny.
Kare: Average, I guess?
Harmony: They are love handles, and I love them.
Cam: Average.
Ren: Buxom! Bwahahar.

Rain, sunshine?
Jase: Shiny sun!
Kare: I like both.
Harmony: Sunshine, definitely.
Cam: Depends on what I'm planning on doing that day.
Ren: Oh, sun. Bake me.

Pool, beach?
Jase: Pool. Beach. Uh... both.
Kare: Wait, for swimming? Lord, you can't swim at the beach, you'd freeze!
Harmony: Can, too! In the summer when it's hot! I love the beach!
Cam: Pool.
Ren: Salt water is horrible for my Jew hair. Then again, so is chlorine. Put me on the lounger in the sun, thanks.

Camping, staying home.
Jase: Who the hell thought up camping, anyway? Ew!
Kare: Home.
Harmony: I love camping! And putting a tent up in the field outside my Ireland house in the summer is too fun.
Cam: Home.
Ren: Oh, you're no fun. It's nice to go camping once in a while. As long as they've got good bathrooms.

Dog, cat?
Jase: Neither.
Kare: Um... cat.
Harmony: Oh, I love dogs! And cats, really. And horses!
Cam: I like cats, but I think it'd be nice to have a dog.
Ren: How about a baby first, then we can think about a dog. Kare's cat is plenty for now.

Believe in aliens?
Jase: Sure, but I certainly don't think any of us'll be meeting any in our lifetime.
Kare: *shrug* Somewhere, yeah.
Harmony: Sure!
Cam: How could you not believe in aliens? How big is the universe, again? How self-centered do you have to be to think we're the only living things in the whole universe? Geeze.
Ren: Amen to that, lovey.

Natural born, or clone?
Jase: Clone?! Me?! Never!
Kare: Why on earth would you ask such a question?
Harmony: Well, when my mum met my dad...
Cam: ...Right.
Ren: I dare you to ask my mother that question. Double dare you.

Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Jase: I broke a hairbrush once when I threw it against the wall. I cried about it later.
Kare: I... don't recall doing so.
Harmony: No. Well, I don't think so.
Cam: Uh... no?
Ren: Oh, probably. Do limbs count?

Any unusual things about you?
Jase: All of me is unusual! I am a unique and beloved child of God!
Kare: Um... not really about me particularly. My mum's a bit off, though.
Harmony: I suppose... sure.
Cam: Um...
Ren: *snigger* I'll tell them for you, sweetie. I like to tie people up and whip 'em; he likes to be tied up and whipped. That's the fun one, at least.

How much food/drink do you need a day?
Jase: A lot. Of food.
Kare: Not as much as most boys my age, I can tell you that much.
Harmony: Um, a regular amount?
Cam: Mm. Food.
Ren: Meh. Depends on what I've got my hands on.

Favourite place?
Jase: Home. Either the living room or The Bedroom, depending on my mood.
Kare: ...You'll laugh at me. I refuse to say.
Harmony: Out in the middle of the field just as the sun goes down, lying on a blanket and watching the stars come out.
Cam: ...Well... um... nevermind. I like work a lot.
Ren: Oh, honey, you're not that boring. He's not; he works for one bitchin' nightclub. And if he's there - alone - it's my favorite place *wink*

Then again, I was quite impressed that I managed to fit the dogwood in the back of the Sable without breaking even a single twig. I also got the giant pot in the trunk all by myself. My back hurts.

shopping, quizzes, characters, molbak's

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