(no subject)

Apr 28, 2009 14:32

This past weekend was a pretty good one with all roads having a bump or two.  Vacation returns, gatherings, work, and computers: Oh No!

Mom and Dad got home safely from their trip.  WHoo Hoo.  They decided to bring me back a cool shirt with a lizard on it that changes color in the sun.  They also brought me back a necklace and earrings made from white gold and 'Glaciar Ice' topaz.  Now don't get me wrong, I like jewelry as much as the next girl, but I did feel kinda guilty that in these days and times that they would buy something so frivolous.  (And I would probably be murdered if Mom read this because it would really hurt Dad's feelings - he picked them out)  I'm just really glad that they are home safely!

We had the "gang" up this past weekend.  It is a group from the Dragonshade/SCA days that have decided that I am not the anti-Christ.  We meet every month and have dinner and catch up.  It's a lot of fun.  We talk about everything from SCA to movies (Star Trek) to books (Twilight) to manga (Inuyasha) to gaming (WoW), but we leave out anything wangsty.  It's so much fun.  (Look Artos!  I'm talking about you on LJ, neener, neener, neener)  I told them about the upcoming surgery and they were pretty good and supportive.  It was nice.  I got an idea for a new IY fic.  I'm gonna have to work pretty hard on it to make it something that isn't crap.  That means y'all probably won't see it.  Sorry!

Monday at work was rather interesting.  It was "Grab Caitriona's Butt Day."  GRRRR.  Two of the older female patients decided that Monday seemed like a great day to grab an ass.  The first one tried to tickle me up the hall and then as she was leaving she grabbed my ass.  The very next patient (who is more than slightly OFF) came out of the room, smacked my ass twice, groped it once, and kept saying the whole time, "That Cait's a good one.  She's always been good to me as long as I've been here."   It took everything in me not to smack the hell out of her.  The MD I had yesterday didn't help matters any; she laughed the whole time and kept trying to get other residents and attendings to continue the trend.

Now don't get me wrong.  From the right person, I don't mind a good spanking.  I rather like them.  From old lady patients, I don't like it.  It gave me the willies.  The fact that Dr F is still laughing about it isn't helping.  I think I have PTBTS  (post traumatic butt touching syndrome)!

Finally, last night I was working on my computer (not the world's fastest by any means).  I got the IYFG seconds updated and had been working on my icon for over an hour (did I mention both I an the computer are slow?)  Guess what the computer did?  Froze.  Completely.  The next ice age wouldn't have been more frozen than my computer was.  Did it save any of the icon?  Nope!  I could have screamed.  I just shut the damn thing down and went to watch Medium.

Tonight had better do better!

And that's been my weekend.  How about y'alls?

iyfg, inu_lims, rl

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