I KNOW I just updated, but I LIKE this one

Jun 16, 2005 23:34

TEN random things about me:

10. I LOVE cranberry muffins
9. I'm anemic
8. I get bored easily....
7. I could sleep all day
6. I have a ton of hats
5. I loathe leaches...beyond my limits of expressing myself-they are the scariest things ever
4. I get scared easily...very easily.
3. I just got back from MI.
2. I saw "Madagascar" with my cousins yesterday
1. I have a 3 inch scar on my knee that looks disturbingly like a worm

NINE ways to win my heart:

9. Make me laugh
8.Don't smother me...and I smother kinda easy.
7. Be a Spanish gypsy with insane eyebrows...oh yes, Chale Gitano de Desidero, oh yes
6. Tell me I'm pretty...yeah, it's shallow, but hey, enough with that "you're brilliant" crap...tell me I've got great hair
5. Don't question my choices
4. Embarass yourself, act goofy, sing in public, dance in the streets..
3. Go to plays with me, even if you hate plays
2. Call, email, IM, smoke signals, send me a carrier pigeon-communicate in some way
1. Make me laugh again...I DO love to laugh

EIGHT of my favorite movies (in no particular order):

8. Gladiator
7.Godfather 2
6. Good Will Hunting
5. Papillon
4. Indiana Jones
3. Old School
2. Elf
1. Zoolander

SEVEN things that annoy me:

7. Ugg boots and minis...and my sister wearin them
6. shirts with brand names EMBLAZONED on the chest
5. Intolerance of all varieties.
4. when my mom zones out and I tell her this whole VERY IMPORTANT story and then she looks at me like "what?"
3. Being flicked in the ear.
2. Working in the kitchen when it's 90 degrees and humid
1. wearing a wet bathing suit

SIX things I wanna do before I die:

6. Spend a summer in Europe
5. Write
4. Find someone who meets those 9 requirements and hold onto them
3. Volunteer w/ the one campaign, or peacecorps
2. Do a little more acting..i miss it
1. Make the parents proud

FIVE things I am afraid of:

5. disappointing said parents
4. leeches
3. death of a loved one
2. scary movies...so cliched, but true
1. rejection

FOUR of my favorite items in my room:

4. all my pictures, in frames, albums and on the door
3. My books
2. My poster of Einstein
1. Sleepy, the 19 year old teddy bear

THREE things I do everyday:

3. brush my teeth
2. laugh
1. check my email

TWO things I want to do right now:

2. GO OUT, anywhere, with anyone not related to me
1. make s'mores

ONE person I want to see right now:

1. my nonna
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