
Dec 28, 2015 23:11

Oh goodness gracious. This really has to stop. Flaking out on LJ posting, I mean! I've thought about doing it a lot, recently, but I was just reading some of my old entries and felt the need. Theraputic, Sarah! Do the thing ( Read more... )

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lavishsqualor January 1 2016, 01:14:37 UTC
I am so happy to hear that things went so well this past year! And good for you, pat yourself on that back- that's amazing! ALL THE BEST TO YOU


caithream January 25 2016, 03:32:04 UTC
Thanks so much bb! :D Also it's so great to see you around again too! Viva la LJ! (she says, replying almost a month later lol!)


lavishsqualor January 29 2016, 02:36:50 UTC
Nah, don't even worry. It's hard to keep up on here, with all the other options available... lol. Do I have you on twitter??? I think so probably, but just making sure XD I've actually been getting more active around there lately, surprisingly.


lavishsqualor January 29 2016, 03:20:10 UTC
Disregard previous comment. sarahmonious, right? jfc, it's taking a while for it all to come back to me, ha!


caithream February 1 2016, 03:20:58 UTC
Haha yes, that's it! No worries - I have the hardest time with those in fandom on social media and their non-LJ names, lol!


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