More reading material...

Apr 29, 2010 12:53

I would've posted this the other day, but I had the epic lambing post to write up (the article about it, which is about 15,000 words shorter, is in the paper today! I'm yet to see a copy of it myself).


Book 37 of 2010 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling
19/04/10 - 25/04/10
I have no idea why it took me so long to read this one, considering that I normally devour them in a couple of days, it surprised me. I think part of the reason was because the later books are so thick it makes it really hard to read them in bed. I'll read for a good half hour in bed on a morning, and an hour at night as well. When you're tired you want to lie down and read, and it's really difficult with these books!

I've also not had the time to read on evenings or at work that I have had at other times this month, so that's another excuse for slowing down. At John's parents' place on Sunday I read almost two hundred pages in one sitting and then finished the book later that day.

My copy of Goblet of Fire is horribly battered as well. Will borrowed it ages ago and it took him about six months to get through. That whole time it was riding around in his school bag and it's a little bit worse for wear. Normally I take the dust jacket off it when I'm reading it because it's in such a sorry state I'm almost half expecting it to fall apart anyway.

I found that it took more work to get into this one. I think some of it is because I'm really wanting to reread Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows again because I've not read them as much as the others. These ones have been revisited so many times that there's not really any surprise there anymore. I'm really conscious of the fact that I don't feel as excited about them as I used to. I'm really looking forward to the last two though, I think I just need a bit of time away from the earlier ones to give me that spark back.

books, harry potter, reading

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