Nov 30, 2004 21:32
001) What time did you start this?: 9:04 pm
002) Name?: Caisa Nicole Brooks
003) Date of birth?: February 8, 1986
004) Sex?: Female
005) Height?: 5'4"
006) Eye color: brown brown brown
007) Weight: a lady never tells her weight
008) Location?: Provo, UT
009) Do you currently love anyone?: si si
010) Do you have crush on someone?: wouldn't you like to know...
011) Do you have a bf/gf?: not so much
012) How long have you been together?: n/a
013) What are you wearing right now?: t-shirt and yoga pants
014) Would you have sex before marriage?: not so much
015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: most definitely not
017) Do you smoke?: cigarettes? Negative ghost rider
018) Do you drink?: lots of water
019) Are you Ghetto?: lol possibly...
020) Are you a player?: haha, no
021) What are your favorite colors?: pink, orange, coral
022) What is your favorite animal?: whales/dolphins and dogs
023) Do you have any birthmarks?: si si...a couple
024) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: haha well…
025) Who are your best friends?: shannan, Stephanie, Jamie, abby, whitney, game nighters...
026) Have you ever beat someone up?: my sisters quite a bit
027) Have you ever been slapped?: haha yeah...
028) Do you get online a lot?: si si
029) Are you shy or outgoing?: mostly outgoing...shy around intimidating pple
030) Do you shower?: occasionally on the 1st tues of the month...kidding!
031) Do you hate school?: ummm depends on the day
032) Do you have a social life?: heck yeah
033) How easily do you trust people?: I'm very suspicious ( I mean honestly, I'm dave brooks' daughter) takes A LOT
034) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: not lied, but witheld information, which technically a lie of omission, but...
035) Do you have a secret people don't know?: wouldn't you like to know...
036) Would you ever sky Dive? I think so yeah
037) Do you like to dance? Heck yeah! I dance whenver I can!!!
038) Have you ever been out of state?: of course
039) Do you like to travel? Ditto!
040) Have you ever been suspended from school?: not so much
041) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: well yeah but no...I donno...ish
042) Are you a brat?: depends on you ask
043) Have you ever been dumped?: lol no...I'm the liferuiner
044) What's your favorite soda?: diet coke
045) Do you like Snapple?: sure
046) Do you drink a lot of water?: haha yeah...I'm a camel
047) What toothpaste do you use?: colgate normally, but there wasn't any so crest
048) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: cell phone
049) Do you have a curfew?: haha! not anymore
050) Who do you look up to?: my family and certain friends
051) Are you a role model?: I donno
052) What name brand do you wear the most?: gap, j crew, some banana and American eagle
053) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: lots of fun jewelry
054) What do you have pierced?: just ears
055) What do you want pierced?: lol nothing really
056) Do you like taking pictures?: yeah they're fun
057) Do you like getting your picture taken?: not so much
058) Do you have a tan?: unfortunately no...:( and I refuse to fake n bake
059) Do you get annoyed easily?: depends on the situation...but normally no
060) Have you ever started a rumor?: joked about it but i dont think i ever really did
061) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: cell and i guess my dorm room #
062) Do you have your own pool?: sadly no, but my neighbors do and they love us
063) Do you have any siblings?: yep 4 sisters: kelli, kristan, shannan, and sam
064) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: boxers
065) Have you ever been played?: not that I know of
066) Have you ever played someone?: not so much
067) Do you get along with your parents?: yes mostly
068) How do you vent your anger?: lol chatting, screaming, or working out
069) Have you ever run away?: that's a negative
070) Have you ever been fired from a job?: nope
071) Do you even have a job?: not presently
072) Do you daydream a lot?: haha yeah all the time! I'm so add
073) Do you have a lot of ex's?: not a lot
074) Do you run your mouth?: I try not to
075) What do you want a tattoo of?: ehh not so much
076) What do you have a tattoo of?: nothin
077) What are your favorite flowers?: daisies, hibiscuses, roses, gerber daisies...really anything but carnations...don't even get me started!
078) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: a tall sweaty Puerto rican
079) What does your most recent crush look like?: lol a big football player
080) Have you ever been bitched out?: haha yeah my parentals, sisters, and gym coaches
081) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: hmm donno bout that one...probably a sister
082) Are you rude?: I try not to be
083) What was the last compliment you received?: who knows?
084) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
085) Are you flexible?: know it...I can even bobcat pretzel ;) lol
086) What is your heritage?: irish, german, welsh, French, blah blah blah
087) What does your hair look like right now?: curly brown
088) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: haha NO! I love meat too much
089) When was your last real heartbreak?: hmmm...don't think it's ever really been broken
090) Describe your looks?: I donno...chimpanzee according to Jason lol
091) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: I donno I'd rather stay away from dying till absolutely necessary
092) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: haha well...yeah
093) Would you ever date someone older than you?: si si, but not too much older like not 6 years older
094) When was the last time you were drunk?: well...see...never
095) When was the last time you went on a date?: I donno...preference I guess
096) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: not so much
097) Do you have one now?: haha NO!
098) How many rings until you answer the phone?: till caller id shows up or however long it takes me to find it
099) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: lol well...wouldn’t you like to know
100) Do you look more like your mother or father?: momma
101) Do you cry a lot?: not so much
102) Do you ever cry to get your way?: no my name's not sam lol
103) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: finger
104) What phrase do you use most on the phone?: this is true or it's true or I mean honestly!
105) Are you the romantic type?: ummm yeah I guess
106) Have you ever been chased by cops?: lol not chased no
107) What do you like most about your body?: hair
108) What do you like least about your body?: nope not starting that list
109) When was the last time you threw up?: umm a while ago I don't remember
110) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: no preference
111) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: pink and grey saucony's
112) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: not so much
113) What about cleavage?: not so much...
114) Is your best friend a virgin?: si si
115) Have you ever fucked someone up?: most definitely not
116) Have you ever been fucked up?: ditto
117) What color are your underwear right now?: haha funny question lol
118) What theme does your room have?: pics of friends and fun quotes
119) What size shoe do you wear?: 8-8.5
120) What jewelry are you wearing now?: none...just showered
121) What is your screen name on AIM?: caisadia208
122) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: lol after being a gymnast for 10 years...u get really good at being discrete about it
123) How are you feeling right now?: stoked for one tree hill...I hear it's a SHOCKER
125) Have you ever given a lap dance?: haha...about that
126) What do you sleep in?: pj pants or girl boxers and t-shirt
127) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: haha yeah
128) What is one of your bad qualities?: I'm the biggest slacker procrastinator ever!
129) What is one of your good qualities?: optmistic
130) Would you marry for money?: marry for money learn to not really though
131) What do you drive?: nothing at the moment...hopefully daddy’s jeep over the summer
132) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: momma's girl
133) When was the last time you cried in school?: lol probably 9th grade in Bush’s class...who didn’t she make cry?!?!
134) Do you wear Chucks?: what the heck are chucks?
135) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: haha not so much maybe
136) What time is it now?: 9:31 pm