The dried blood flaked away like paint chips under the blade of my knife, and the console underneath came back into view-white and pristine.
It was a small area of cleanliness amid the much larger mess, but it was important to start somewhere-to reimpose structure and order bit-by-bit. Only with that, could we even hope to not only recover from the attacks, but stand a chance of winning against the Cylons.
I looked at my crew in CIC-carefully, conscientiously pulling things together, repairing the damages. I felt comfortable leaving it in their hands. It was time to survey the situation on the rest of my ship.
The harm done the Pegasus was widespread, but minor-localized explosions, small fires, structural damages at various bulkheads and passageways. Nothing irreparable. Nothing that would take us out of the fight.
Already the repair crews were organizing. Even without my orders, they knew my wishes-how things would proceed. It was heartening.
I turned to the nearest crewman and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Well done,” I congratulated him. “Keep up the fight, soldier.”
Muse: Helena Cain
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Word Count: 184