Mar 13, 2007 00:09
Today Adrianna (3 yrs old) and I were stuck in major traffic on 580. I glanced at her in my rearview mirror. She was sitting in her carseat looking back at me with her famous coy expression which means she's thinking about somthing. We were creeping slowly on the freeway next to a truck with a bobble head doll on the dashboard.
"Look!" she shouted, "It's head is shaking."
"Yes." i said
"Why does it move it's head like that?"
"It's a bobblehead doll."
"Why does it move like that?" (she's never heard of a bobblehead so she ignores my first response
"It's head is attatched to a spring and that makes it wiggle like that."
"But no one is touching him."
"Well, no, intertia is like ...(5 mintues of me trying to explain this to an impatient 3 yo)...
"Yeah, it's kinda like magic."
"Oh. I like the way its head moves"
"yes, me too."