Baby Update!

Sep 28, 2009 13:26


Sooo if I don't go into labor on my own in the next couple of days, the doctor is going to start pushing little baby Parker out on Thurs morning! We have an appointment to be at the hospital at 10:30am to be induced. (after calling and making sure they aren't too busy, and we prob won't really get started until closer to 11:30 or 12). It's kinda weird having an actual date that we know we won't go past.  (one of the cats just sat on Bagpuss's mouse and freaked out when it started singing) Hubby is a little sad because they are having a mock inspection at work this week and it's over on Weds, and now he will be there for all 3 days, lol. He was hoping they'd induce today or tomorrow and he could get out of it!

Larkyn is spending the day with Hubby's aunt so that my parents don't have to stay home with her. With the NEW time, Aly and Britt will prob stay in school and come to the hospital after. Hopefully everything goes as smoothly as the doctor says it is going to. She's expecting it to go fast since I've had 3 other babies, but everyone says it goes slower when you are induced. We shall find out soon! I just hope everyone that wants to come up there doesn't show up at 10:30 and plan on sitting by me the whole time, cuz that ain't happenin!

Anyway I edited out the part where it was supposed to be Weds night at 7:30. The doc called to say they changed it to Thurs morning, so now half of what I posted before is irrelevant!

Anyway we will have a baby on Thursday, if not before! Woohoo!


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