Larkyn Update!

Jun 17, 2009 11:09

Larkyn had her 9 month appointment today, woohoo! She didn't have to get any shots, YAAAY! I thought she had to have shots at every visit until she's big, but apparently not. We saw a different doctor this time, and he's a very weird looking man. He also thought she was a boy, hrmph. Read the chart, dude! She weighs 23 pounds and 5 oz, and is 30.5 inches tall! She is the average size of an 18-19 month old, doh. Her height is higher on the chart than her weight, and they kept saying "You are really TALL. You're a big girl, you are really TALL". Well DUH, did you see me and have you met her daddy? The first nurse said 'you have yourself a football player here!' Hmm, not sure she wants to play football, too many sweaty boys and boys have cooties! She's in about the 120% percentile for her own age, which means nothing to most of you, lol.

Someone on that pregnancy/baby website was saying their doctor told them that they needed to use the sippy cup more and wean from the bottle now. She doesn't want to hold her cup at ALL, so I asked him. He said not to keep giving formula in the bottle always, and start giving regular milk in the cup at 1yr. Also to give her some water or juice in the cup now, but no milk. OK.. but the paperwork he sent home with me says to start introducing formula in the cup now! lol, make up your mind people :p He said she is perfect and will start to dislike strangers soon. I said she already went through a phase where she didn't like strangers and then she grew out of it, and he said it will come back BIG TIME! My older kids never went through a bad phase, they just went through a period where they didn't like loud old people who constantly tried to kiss and hug them, and I can't say I blame them. So we shall see! She's woken up at 6:30am every day since we came back from vacation, ugh. Why can't she sleep until 8 or something? 10 would be even better! She sleeps all night, but still. Is it really too much to ask that she sleeps 14 hours straight? ;) I might try keeping her up later tonight, but usually that doesn't work and she still wakes up early. I tried asking him if she should be having more finger foods now, because she really likes all of her food coming at her on a spoon held by someone else! he didn't really answer and just listed things to avoid, which I already knew and didn't ask about. Then he listed baby jar foods that are ok, that I already know and didn't ask about. But dude enver told me if or when she should be mostly feeding herself little bites of crap. Whatever! We're making our next appointment with our normal (slightly weird) doctor. Although I am nervous about that appointment because her 1 yr check up wil be when I am 9 months pregnant and neither of us will want to sit in the waiting room!

Larkyn likes to dance, she bounces her arms up and down and shakes her head side to side so fast that it would make me puke. She wants to stand up 90% of the time now, sitting down is for babies! She thinks she can let go of stuff when standing and still stay there, but it only works when she is leaning against me or the table. She feeds herself snacks very well. She likes to make clicky noises with her mouth, and she has totally forgotten how to say dadada and her fav word is now mamama, smart kid ;) She still wants my glasses, phone, or the tv remote. She also REALLY enjoys poking her finger inside your mouth, and if you bite her fingers she squeals. She's a mess but she seems to be learning something new everyday.

My weird arm rash thing has came back. It mostly went away and there was just a tiny bit left, but overnight it suddenly popped up with a vengeance. bah!

Our tv in the bedroom is possessed. it keeps randomly turning itself on, but it's not on a channel. It's on snow, very LOUD snow that blares out of the speakers. You can't turn the volume down and you can't turn the tv off. Sometimes it stays on for 5 seconds, sometimes 3 minutes! We've started unplugging it when we're not using it, but now I can't reach the plug to plug it back in, because my belly is in the way. It's REALLY annoying! Hubby wants to buy a new one, but I don't want to spend the money. I'm going to get out one of the surge protectors and plug the tv in it, then use THAT as my 'on/off' button so it can't turn on at night when I am sleeping :p


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