Cruising the Caribbean, Part V

Dec 26, 2011 22:40

December 10, 2011 - Barbados


Left the ship around 08:30 and took a taxi to the beach: Carlisle Bay. When we got there we wwre a bit disappointed that we were expected to essentially bathe in a marina. There were boats moored everywhere. And any number of jetski, etc. Once mom and I started looking at the fishes hovering around the one lone concrete block nearby, a local lady tipped us off to a wreck a bit further down the beach that was put there for snorkelers to enjoy. And, sure enough, there were three or four snorkel tours there.

The downside was that we had neither fins nor snorkels with us, AND had to swim out to the wreck from the beach. It was a distance of at least 40 meters. Hard to gauge that accurately from shore.

The wreck sits in about 35-40' of water, and is almost crawling with fish. It was nice. I would probably have been a bit disappointed with it, if we'd paid to tour it, but for something more or less free, it was cool. I took lots of pictures of it, and will look at them in a minute, once I'm done with this.

We got an added bonus as we left the beach, too. A hummingbird popped up out of nowhere and started zipping around a bunch of landscaped flowers. Pretty little thing. Black with a green sheen to it, and a flash of blue near its head. And some crest feathers that stood straight up.

(Follow the fake cut to the photos)

r&r, traveling, travel, cruise, snorkeling, photography

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