Apr 28, 2011 22:20

*sigh* So over the last few months the car's had a rattle. And it's been getting worse. The brother and I decided last night to take it to a few places to get quotes on having it fixed. (We're fairly sure it needs a new water pump, and possibly a timing belt. And a slew of other minor little things that can be ignored for the moment in favor of keeping it running.) I went off to campus as per usual this morning, and worked on my take-home final for about 2.5 hours, followed by a quick sample prep, and then TEM.

Which is where it all backfired.

At about the same time as I was starting my TEM work, the brother finally got around to going out for his first quote of the day. And promptly picked up a flat. Which is (I assume) where he called me.

The spare was low, too, but he managed to get it to a gas station, put some more air in it, and limp home. (We might have to think about replacing it... but not right this moment.)

Anyway, about a half hour into my TEM session, I got a call from him, to the effect of "left the house, got a flat, and limped home."

And so, for the sake of getting the problem resolved, I packed up and headed home. Luckily I'd managed to get a few good images out of the time I spent, so it wasn't a total loss, but I didn't have time to do the sample prep for tomorrow morning, so that's been rescheduled.

The tire has since been replaced, and we are out about $113 for it. *sigh* At least it happened now, and not when we needed the car in a dire way. To have to wait to fix it would have been annoying more than anything else. But still. Argh. The car was supposed to be getting fixed! Not breaking more. For fuck's sake.

So the quest for quotes has been postponed until tomorrow, and we shall see what comes of it then. I'm stuck at a project presentation for pretty much the whole day, so unfortunately I can't go along.

That aside, not a whole lot has been going on. The brother's been trying to register for summer classes, and I've been working on finals and powerpoints.

*headdesk*, rl update, *sigh*, wtf, -_-;;;, fail

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