Guh. Today has been rather exhausting.
For whatever reason, I couldn't convince my brain to shut up last night, and it kept babbling at me until nearly 04:00. On a day when I had to be awake and half way alert by 8 am. Blargh. I think I got about 3 hours of actual sleep. And at some point in the night -- I think it was at about 01:30 -- my brain threw a random more-or-less fully fleshed out piece of fic at me. And I totally dreamed weird things about school and Portal2, and some bizarre mix of the two.
Morning meetings went surprisingly well, considering. I was only two or three minutes late, and wasn't grilled too hard. I did get to class a bit later than I meant, though. It was a little embarrassing, but eh, so be it. They were doing poster presentations, so It's not like I missed out on too much, and then we got out a trifle earlier than normal. 15:30 rather than 17:00.
The remainder of the afternoon was uneventful. I wound up doing some particle sizing, and working on my proposal draft a bit more. At 17:00 I left, and realised as I walked out of the building that it was about to start pouring. So, warned Orell, and headed off toward home. I did have to stop and fuel up the car on the way, though, which meant that instead of beating the rain home, I was late by about 3 minutes.
But that's why I keep an umbrella in my backpack all the time. A strategy that has proven its worth countless times.
Not 30 seconds after I get home, I get a text from Orell, to the tune of "can you bring me an umbrella?" *facepalm* And so, 15 minutes later, I was heading back to campus. All I'm gonna say is, he better damn well find something nice to do for me.
Which brings me to the now. I'm sitting at home and relaxing a little, catching up on things before we go out for dinner. Neither of us feels like cooking.
Blah, what a Monday. Happy birthday to me?