a week left

Aug 08, 2007 15:52

I'm leaving in a week. And this makes me sad. I don't want to. New Orleans is home. And all my friends are here, or in towns nearby.

Damn it. But enough of that.

As it turned out I got a call from Ryan on Sunday to the effect of "Uhm, yeah, wanna come help me and Joe move?", and he got Kara and me both helping. After which we played video games until about 2 am. There were some dishes and things claimed from the pile of stuff Ryan didn't want, but those are going to someone other than me. I neither want them, nor have room to take them with me. I also got a facebook message from Jenny saying she'd be in town on Monday and Tuesday.

Monday I met up with Dave after work, and we went to Mona's. Food wasn't all that great. I was less than impressed. But getting to see Dave was nice. I wound up dragging him out to see Ryan, and the three of us played some more video games. Then it was back to campus, and just kinda basking in the comfortableness that is my friendship with Dave.

Tuesday... Tuesday I overslept horribly, didn't bother going to work or doing much else, cause I couldn't get my brain in gear, and then made my way to campus to see Jenny for a little while, then stopped by the bbq that was taking place to say hello and goodbye to a few people.

Today has been much the same. I overslept horribly again, until about noon. Didn't even hear my alarm go off. Or... well, I kinda remember waking up briefly at about 0715, but I thought it was a dream. I still can't tell whether it really was or not. *shrug* Eventually got to campus at about 1300, and began running my errands. I had to stop by the financial aid office to drop off some stuff, then it was over to the UC to talk to the people at the bank about closing my account. That turned out to be easier than I expected... but that's a good thing. From there, I walked the rest of the way across campus to the health center, in the hopes that they might have my immunisation records, but no. *eyeroll* They for some reason have my records from when I had to have my eyes checked for my license renewal in '06, but they don't have my files from '03 when I entered school. Wtf mate? Called the 'rents to try and see what they thought of the mess, and it looks like I'll have to somehow track down my doctor in NY and have the thing faxed to USF from there. Not insurmountable, but rather annoying. That done, I walked back to Stern, to talk to Theresa about how I should go about quitting work here. Along the way I ran into Laura, who was wandering over to ... I think it was financial aid... to drop off some paperwork. She came by to visit me a little while ago, and we talked for a few minutes. I'm going to go hang out with her a little later. Actually, in about half an hour. At 1600, I got (mostly willingly) peeled away from work by Dave, who wanted food, and some company. And then it was back here to put in a little more time before I wander off for the night.

That's about all there is to tell at the moment. I'll have to go home and start sorting through my crap, then decide what I want to keep and what I don't. That's going to be fun. *sigh*

hanging out, dave, school

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