uhm.... I'm not sure?

Jul 30, 2007 13:29

I guess the best way to do this would be day by day.

Friday: Phone died as I got up and left the house. Got to work. Checked email. Charged phone. Worked til 1700, then wandered over to Laura and Andrew's. Wound up hanging out there mostly just talking and enjoying the company of people other than housemates and coworkers until about midnight-ish. Heard from Laura about random sale at JC Penny's, and was invited to go along in the morning.

Saturday: Woken up by phonecall from Laura around 0930, realised I'd left my wallet in lab, and on getting second call from Andrew, mentioned this. We eventually got to the mall around 1100, and it was packed to overflowing. There was some Bridal Expo going on, and there were insane crowds. Fought our way through, shopped, bought stuff, and then went back to Laura and Andrew's place. Wound up hanging out there, and being babied semi-willingly, until about midnight-ish. The two of them managed to get me about halfway hooked on a FPS PC game (Battlefield 2), and I'm can't decide whether I'm irritated or not. I have no PC with the power necessary to run the game. And am not likely to get one anytime soon. *sigh* But the game itself is amusing.

Sunday: Was thinking about maybe wandering back to see the two of them again, and called Andrew... he said he'd call me back in about 20, and then never did. It's not the first time. And I hate it when he does that. Gr. And I was going to offer him food. *shrug* Oh well. His loss.

So I stayed in and did laundry. Yeah, real exciting, I know. Needed to be done, though. Sadly.

Today: Woke up around 0730, felt like crap, fell back into bed until 1030, had something small, and then went to harass payroll again. Turns out that somehow they turned off my direct deposit option, and never turned it back on the first time I went to talk to them. *headdesk* So today I took all my paystubs with me, and made them go through it all with me. And got paid some $900. That was a bit of relief. And I think everything is squared off and paid now. Finally. *twitch*

Walked to campus, cause there was no shuttle. Eventually got here a bit overheated and sweatsoaked, cause it was at about 100% humidity, and utterly nasty outside after having poured rain this morning. Think of it as walking about a half mile through a sauna. ^^;;

After which I attempted to eat lunch, and just felt nauseous. Hell, I'm still a bit unsettled, an hour later. That's probably not a good thing. At least I should be paid this pay period, though. If not, I'll be rather ticked off after all this.


And that brings me pretty much full circle, back to wondering what in the hell to do about the whole PhD thing here at Tulane. *sigh* I still have yet to hear from that Dean, or from Reed. Ad I kinda need to make a decision the end of this week as to whether I stay in NOLA or not.

Laura and Andrew were suggesting taking a year off and working someplace, Dad wants me to go straight into grad school, and I have no idea what I want, really, besides to keep doing what I've been doing this summer, except with a bit more background knowledge.

So really, either option would work, provided that I get to play with polymers and materials in a setting where I can learn more about them. That means, however, that I have to either:
- get into the PhD program here at Tulane, that I've been trying to get together all summer
- talk to the right people at USF about how I can pursue my interests and persuade them to let me
- find a job where I can poke at the internal workings of polymerisation reactions and material design

None of which is going to be particularly easy, I suspect. *headdesk* Any advice from my flist would be nice.


Other news will be added a little later, right now I ought to go get a few experiments running. Back in about 15. ( Time is now 1356)


Edit (1405):

So, other news. Uhm. I've forgotten what I wanted to add, now. ^^;; D'oh. *ponder* So there's still no progress on getting someone to take over our lease, and it's kinda looking like we'll lose our deposit. Gr. Sarah continues to drive me absolutely ballistic. Kara and I are still the only ones who do chores, really. I'm still on a hell of a metal kick, thanks to my brother. My labmates continue to amuse me a lot.

Hee! I walked into lab today after dealing with payroll, and Colin walked by, and the only word he said to me was "POKE!", referring to the fact that I finally managed to track him down on facebook on Friday and add him as a friend. And poked him.

Let's see, what else is there to add?


That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm wandering off to play on AIM for a while.
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