
Apr 16, 2006 01:04

The cut pretty much sums up the extent of my day. Woke up twice this morning, only to fall back asleep, and then eventually got up around 13:00. I ended up hanging out with Laura the entire day after that. Chilled with her for several hours at the Wall front desk, and did homework, and helped her with her poster a bit, and then was persuaded (not that I protested too hard) to let her braid my hair into a Dutch Crown. One of those braids that wraps around your head and then coils in on itself, with the lower part of the hair free.

At about 17:45, I got invited to have dinner with Scott, Ashok, and Dave. Wick and Murray were there too. That was fun, but the food was terrible, as usual.

Afterwards, Laura and I walked to the Walgreens on S. Carollton to get me a brush, and her some orange juice. *snort* Something that definitely needed to get done. And we went to her lab to re-attach a part to her vacuum chamber, trying to call Dave in the meanwhile, to invite him to movie with drinks. Dave's phonee decided it didn't like either of us. So we gave up, reattached the part of Laura's pressure chamber that needed to be attached, and then went back to her room.

I just chilled there with her for a nice long while, at that point. She wandered off to cook briefly, and I chatted with her b/f Andrew on AIM.

Evantually Scott and Ashok showed up, followed by Dave, and then Peter. We watched National Lampoon's Animal House. I was not altogether too impressed with it up until the ending, but the ending... classic. The party broke up around 12:30, and most of us parted ways. Peter and Ashok went back to their respective rooms to crash, while Scott and I followed Dave back to his room. Once there, Dave went off in search of Murray, found him, had a discussion with him about Scott and me, and then walked back into his room and announced that Scott and I had a 25% chance of being necrophiliacs.

All I had to say at that point was 'WTF. He's insane.' It then came out that the conversation had gone something along the lines of: (Don't quote me on this, I know it's nowhere near accurate.)

D = Dave
M = Murray

D: I have a Scott and a Selma in my room.
M: You sure?
D: Well, they might be off having sex in the laundry room, but I doubt that's the case.
M: So there's a 50/50 chance that they may or may not be in your room.
D: Mm. Basically.
M: That means there's a 25% chance that they're necrophiliacs.
D: ....

Pretty much, after that, the night was over. Dave went to bed, and I'm about to go crash myself, now. *le yawn*

'Night, y'all.

hanging out, dave

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