they'd be tears of utter frustration.
i'm terribly pissed, to a crazy level.
wtf can i do with my life to stop this bullshit? x
i had to go to an anit-tobacco collabortive meeting for my work. they were asking for input from me and the other reps from non-profits.. input for "world tobacco free day 2007" (we came up with that title anyways?) and i asked if they was a campiagn of some sort, that would get people to take initiative. maybe have pre-written letters to city council members about the second-hand smoke shit they're trying to pass (in public parks now..). they wanted me to expand and i just smiled and said i wasn't sure what i was talking about.. not really, i just don't want to seem like i do. becuase this is NOT my war. i'm not passionate about folks to not smoke around others. i think it's actually silly to say that people cannot smoke in public parks or outside for that fact. and then try to get them not to smoke in their apartments or condos.. i mean, really. these breathe cali folks are just trying to out-law tobacco. and my heart isn't in that.
so i statred to think, where the hell is my heart? children's education and women's rights.
so what the hell am i going to do with my life.. ? teach some kids some stuff and fuck the right women? :P
fuck Breathe California, go fight for the whales or something.