Previously on As the Pie Bakes, all of Apples kids aged to teenagers and managed varying amounts of win. Banana got the vote in the heir poll, so it's her shining face we'll be following this gen. LET'S GET BUSY.
Erika aged up, and got herself a job in the military. Brisket called her over for a quick marriage and then they’ll be moving on out.
…and, success! Time to move on out, Brisket. Good luck out there in the big, wide world.
I’ll miss you two.
Oh, you wacky gnomes. Why is there no momma!gnome?
Lee came by to see Butter. She’s not going to be heir, but she still gets the best partner of this gen, I think. He’s super sweet and put up the least amount of fight being wooed. (Unlike Ferby who is still resisting Banana. She ages up in one day! Get with the program, Ferby.)
It might be because he aged up. Then again, maybe he’s just an utter ass. He ran off the lot as soon as he arrived, bitched about having a crappy time out with her, and dropped their friendship. FINE, FERBY. NO SWEET LEGACY LIFE FOR YOU.
Banana is aging up today, so she threw a party. It bottlenecked.
Aren’t you a bit young to be drinking?
Butter: Screw it, I’m not heir, pass the booze.
Erika made up for never getting to use the water slide whilst dating Brisket by spending the entire party on it, and being the last to leave.
…Banana ran upstairs to age up alone. In her room. With Puzzle.
Here she is all made over. She rolled Vehicle Enthusiast, which is so gloriously random that it might be my favorite trait ever. Her LTW is Jack of All Trades, which makes Apple happy, since Apple wants her to be a doctor.
BUT FIRST, VACATION. China, here Banana comes.
So intense.
She hit it right off with the general goods merchant, due to a shared love of pot(s). And then everything went crazy glitchy and I had to send Banana home early. At least she met Liu.
First maxed out skill, completed! She’s still on a pretty good schedule, because she’s about halfway done with cooking and logic. She might make her LTW.
LOLOLOL, no trampoline for YOU, Butter. She doesn’t misbehave any more than her siblings, but she ALWAYS gets caught. It’s hilarious. Stop setting pranks right in front of your parents, darling.
So, I decided to invite Liu to visit, hoping to salvage something from Banana's failed vacation. And, lo and behold, a man responds to Banana’s advances. Something good came out of that borked up thing to China after all!
And…then Banana turned invisible and my game crashed, dumping everything since she returned from vacation. So, the last sim day occurred in an alternate universe, I guess. On the bright side, Butter isn’t in trouble anymore, on the down side, I thought I had finally gotten Banana a man, and now he’s gone.
But that’s ok! Because it gave me time to get Pets, and now the Pies have little Ginger, adopted from the pound, to brighten their days.
And for my vehicle enthusiast, I got Raymundo, the Subaru car.
Darrick turns out to be a huge cat person, and loves Ginger to pieces.
In other news, I got Liu back, and things progressed marvelously! It was like de ja vu alllllll over again. (If only I had gotten them a black cat I could make a Matrix joke here, alas.)
Liu: I’m so happy I’m going to hurl!
Knew you’d find someone for you eventually, bb. Might…want to remove your arm from his chest, though, just…fyi.
Just like her mother.
Also, baby jingles.
Distracted by Banana’s happiness, forgot to mention that Butter was at the prom. She and Lee are having a good time. (hopefully not in their swim suits)
Anyway, here is Liu:
Natural Cook
LTW: The Culinary Librarian
ALSO, ALSO, Darrick got his LTW. He’s a secret agent man. Here he is coming in from the cold.
And so the circle of life continues.
At this point I looked into Apple’s inventory, to take out some recipes to get to work on Liu’s LTW, and realized that it was FULL OF CRAP THAT WASN’T THEIRS. I’ve never had a non-Klepto sim steal things before, but it was full of musical instruments and a freakin’ car. I have no idea where she got it all.
Hey, Apple, Ginger appears to be tearing the shit out of your leg.
Apple: Hm? What? Chessssss.
Butter is now a young adult! She rolled computer whiz and her LTW is One Man Band. Good thing her mom has allllll those spare instruments.
Let’s get you married, girl.
…trampolines, terror of the backyard.
Ok. A week later, lets return. In this timeline, the kitchen sink exploded, and Ginger adorably played in the puddles while Darrick tried to repair it and mop up.
Lee really loves the trampoline. I think that’s why he’s dating Butter, tbh.
Holy shit, dude.
Apparently realizing she got a second chance to relive the last two days of her teenage life, Butter played on the water slide all day. (Then she went to prom, but it was the same in this universe as the last one, so I’m not gonna clutter it up with pics.)
Finally got to Butter aging up, again. She rolled Neurotic and Hit Music Composer this time. And a hospital gown, apparently.
Apparently despite the fact that Banana graduated a while back, she was allowed to walk with Butter. Her classmates knew her pretty darn well.
And, we’re finally caught up! Butter married Lee, who, incidentally was a shy slob, who was a good, family oriented kleptomaniac that wanted to adopt six pets. Damnit Lee, why were you so sweetly adorable? (I got a pop-up not three hours after I moved them out that they had adopted a cat named Olive. Awwwwwwwwww.)
The time for birth is upon us...
Most appropriate reaction to childbirth, y/y?
Trauma conga line!
Resulting in Coriander Pie! She’s an absent-minded couch potato.
First interaction I’ve seen them have.
Nice momming, Banana. Hopefully your sister does as well, cause she and Lee wasted no time making a baby. Good for Darrick, who wants five grandkids.
My cats do this, too.
Darrick loves Coriander, and carries her around whenever he’s not at work. He’s a baby hoarder.
And Ginger made friends with an invisible…something? IDK.
Cori aged up, I’ve no clue where she got the purple eyes from, but they’re cute. Poor Banana and Liu are having a hard time conceiving a second kid. Plenty of love for Cori! And that…seems like a good place to stop. Till next time!