Pie Legacy 1.4 + Heir Poll

Sep 21, 2012 22:47

Annnnd, welcome back to the last update of the first generation of the Pie Legacy. There's an heir poll at the bottom, if, uh, anyone is actually reading this. IDK. It's there and so on. Anyway, herein lie the teenage years of the Pie spawn, for your viewing pleasure. Staring with...

FUUUUU- Kids, don't bake waffles and then run to school. It causes fires. The more you know.

Where’s the fireman? Was Darrick the only one? FUUU-

Apple: Relax, I got this. Eat extinguisher, flames.

Apple: Mission accomplished.

Uh…alrighty then.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

With prom quickly approaching, Banana invited one of her friends over to do her best to get a date. His name is Ferby, but that’s not his fault.

Ferby: You’re like a rare stone, perfect and glittering.

Banana: :o!

Banana: LOVE ME

Apple’s come alooooong way. But that samurai is going to have a hard time fighting all those dragons.

Butter: Are you ready for some speed?

This is Erica. She’s Brisket’s best friend forever, and he’s hoping she’ll be his steady. Her eyebrows are…off, but I think they can be fixed.

Puzzle is in ur house, creeping u out.

Ok, so I’m going to have to turn this thing into a sim. Maybe it’ll creep me out less that way. Plus, Banana loves the damn thing.

Party Animal Apple has yet to have a party, and Butter is aging into a teen, so that had to be fixed asap. BUBBLES, BUBBLES MAKE A PARTY!

Things got kind of crazy (in a 'no one is actually participating in party activities' kind of way). I also had a bizarre time getting Brisket and Banana actually to prom, because they were at work when the limo arrived. WHOOPS, MY BAD!


You go, Brisket, you go.

Back at the house party, Butter aged up into this piece of hotness. She also rolled eccentric.

Your prom king, ladies and gentlemen. IDK where his date went. Perhaps she saw his outfit and ran off.

Butter Pie, you stop making me love you right this instant.

Must. Discover. Cure. For. Imaginary. Friends.

Butter picked this little guy up from…somewhere? The graveyard on a field trip, I believe. That’s when he showed up in her inventory, anyway.

Banana had a crazy mood swing and wanted to prank the school…unfortunately she got caught by the invisible police. Shark, is that you?

Apple chewed her out, and cried about it. Aw, Apple, sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind, sweetheart. You’re a good momma.

Okay, I give, you two are kind of adorable together. Though I don’t know why only Banana got an imaginary friend. We’ll make you a real sim, Puzzle.

BRISKET, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? Always with the aqua.

Tired of their children’s shenanigans, Apple and Darrick high-tailed it off on a free vacation. Probably for the best, since Banana was about to get in trouble for sneaking out of the house to go to school.

While Apple and Darrick were away, Butter threw a teen partayyyy, where she met gorgeous, sweet Lee.

Meanwhile, everyone ignored the dance floor, bubble machine, and booze outside to crowd around the computer. Sigh.

Gnomey was having a ball, at least.

I lost several pictures here (and above), due to a stupid mistake of mine, but the important pieces are that Brisket managed to woo Erica out from under the nose of her present boyfriend, who I didn’t realize was also in attendance at the party. Things got…ugly.


These two hit it off in a big way, making Banana the only child having a hard time bagging a sweetheart.

Aaaaaand then people started passing out all over the floor, instead of going home. Oooookay.


Eeeeeeverywhere. Go home if you’re that tired!

Yes, everywhere. I mean it.

Then the police came, threw everyone out, and called Apple and Darrick. Apparently all the sleeping on the floor was too rowdy? IDK.

They both yelled at Banana. She didn’t even throw the party, you guys. LEAVE BANANA ALONE.

Banana continues to attempt to turn Puzzle into a real sim, but it’s going…less than well. Banana is having a rough week.

Gnomey: Truly a fascinating contraption.

Butter called Lee up to seal the deal (by the I mean go steady, they’re teenagers)


Dem eyes. There's a large part of me that wants Butter to be heir just for Lee's genetics. Shallowness, I'm afraid.

Best car to learn how to drive in, y/y?

Still terrible at catch.

…and no better at discovering potions.

Apple desperately wanted a tattoo. Appears to not have anticipated the fact that it’s applied with an electric drill o_0

Finished product.

Oh, wow. I wish trampoline’s worked like that IRL.

Aw, where did you come from, little baby gnome? Smoosh smoosh.

Butter has been trying to make friends with her parents again, after getting in trouble for the party and then ‘sneaking’ out to school. Her methods are…unorthodox, but effective. Who could resist that face?

Little baby gnome, y u so cute?

First young adult of the legacy! Way to go, Brisket! Also, that’s a huge pile of dirty laundry there in the bathroom. Dayum, you guys can go through some clothes. It’s almost like there’s three teenagers in the house, or something.

His last trait rolled up as…photographer’s eye? His LTW is Star News Anchor. His girlfriend is still in highschool… *cough*

And now, time for the heir poll!

Will it be…

Brisket Pie (or as I like to call him, Sam Winchester)
Heavy Sleeper
Photographer’s Eye
LTW: Star News Anchor

Banana Pie
Absent Minded
LTW: Unknown

Butter Pie
LTW: Unknown


gen 1, sims 3, pie legacy

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