Sam's Questions - My Answers

May 01, 2005 22:16

Hope I'm making sense!

1) If you could live in any time period and place other than your own, where and when would you choose? It's hard to say. But I think I'd like most to live in Rome during the reign of Augustus. This was a time of peace and the coming of Christ. It would have been amazing to have been alive then. Unfortunately, women were not viewed as we are now so that would put a damper on things, but I'm sure I could work within the system to get my way.

2) How do you think you'd be as a vampire? I'd be evil, but lazy about it. Like if the opportunity to do something wicked came up and it was convenient then, heck yeah, go badness! But if I had to plot and plan to make the bad stuff happen, then nothing would happen. I'd be too busy partying and shagging to put much effort into anything else but being undead and happy.

3) Which BtVS/Angel character do you most like to write about, and why? What aspects of the character do you most like to explore? Spike is my favorite to write about. Because of his journey on the show there are so many versions of this character to play with. I like blending the evilness of his desires with the sense of loyalty and love that he's never been quite able to get rid of. When I deal with his soul (which I hated Joss for allowing, he did not need it to be redeemed) I try to expose the demonic thought behind every nice thing he does and I try to keep him very much in tuned with his bad side, never splitting him like Angel and Angelus are split.

4) Where do you imagine yourself being, and what do you hope to be doing, in ten years time? Spain, living there, sipping wine on my terrace, while going over my editor's notes for my latest novel.

5) Who in the Buffyverse would you most want to be and why? Darla. She was the pimp of her clan and had it going on, evilly speaking. If not her, then Drusilla. She's the only one of the vamps that only died the once. So who's the crazy one?? BTW - I consider Angel being sent to the Hell place as dying.

Thanks Sam!
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