Drabble ~ Underneath the Mask

May 01, 2005 14:10

Underneath the Mask
by FemailoftheSpecies
Joss...blah, blah, blah
for open_on_sunday

Betrayal and deception: key ingredients for enemies. Yet their abhorrence of each other was not as simple or as evident as that.

Darla despised Angelus’ dark childe nearly as much as she had come to respect her. The way she clawed into his heart was breathtaking to behold. That she could only watch as the spoiled creature usurped her place made her grin with cold white hatred.

Drusilla smiled her way through her own treachery, giving kisses like death when she felt her grandmummy green with it. There was nothing she wanted from Darla that she did not already have.

scourge of europe

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