The day in general, and my meeting, in particular.

Apr 03, 2007 15:01

0800 comes really early.
0900 was really short.
1000 and part of 1100 were just a blink.
1200 was kinda fun.
1300 was like 1200.
1400 was productive.

To expand on that:
0800 came, and so did counterpoint, even though i really, really, don't like having those ideas go together so early.
0900 came, and I went to have my voice lesson, but Dr. Olson was out today, so I went and got breakfast.
1000 came, and I slept until 1125.
1125 came, and I went to lunch.
1200 came, and I went towards choir, and then had choir until 1345.
1400 came, and I met w/ Mr. Ensley, the most rockin' accompanist ever.
1430 came, and I met w/ Calvin, my boss at Res. Life.
     **More on that one: My re-hire is of course contingent on my completing all my requirements for this semester, and my registering for Counseling 433 (Interpersonal Communication).  Next-ly, I did *not* get a Hall Director position.  Next-ly, I do *not* get to stay in Madison, but will be moving to Bayou Commons I (my third choice location), the second floor.  I will be sharing the floor w/ another RA.  The floor will be all freshmen.  These freshmen will be part of the "Learning Communities" the school has set up (similar majors housed by each other).  I intend to lay the law down on these kiddos.  The law according to Hoyle, the RA taking 20 hours.  This is the law: "Keep it clean, keep it quiet, and don't damage anything.  Failure to keep the law (and therefore making me deal w/ your problems) will result in my busting your butt up and down the hall.  I have spoken.  I do not have time for you to be stupid."  I am still waiting to hear about whether I can leave my things here, or if I need to get a storage unit.**
1500 came, and here I am.  I think another well-deserved nap is on the way.

choir, ra, sleep, class, moving

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