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Jan 09, 2009 02:47

I've thought on it, and as best as I can figure what I feel was 'flat' and 'muffled' is that our friends seem to be persuing their goals individually. I got the sense that many of the people there were building their lives, but this didn't lead them to interacting as they once did with those they are friends with.

I'm not suggesting that we should return to the past, or that friendships should not change. They should. But 'vibrant' does not mean static, nor does it mean 'college'... I figure I'll need to pay attention more, when I'm back up there in summer, and find out what it is that we're all doing individually that could be done as a group. Hopefully, something that can be benefitted by doing as a group.

I talked with G about this, who's really a good sounding board, and she reminded me that I'll be sucked into the working life when I'm there, which is really draining. That's true, and that's certainly something that I'll have to be on the guard for... but that will also let me know what others are feeling, being monopolized by work. What will I be doing during work time that I wish I had others to do with? What will my free time look like: will it be scheduled, or short bursts of nothing? What will I be spending too much money on? What tasks could be done in a short period of time with others helping me, but a longer period by myself?

Whatever shape our friendships will take in the future, it has to be one that's sustainable, that's easy like Sunday Morning. Something that unites our flaws and strengths...

Well. Time will tell.
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