Glad To Do Some Cooking Again

Sep 09, 2024 02:36

I got to cooking with my new stove, and I love it. The first baked dish I'd made in years was a beef and noodle casserole that turned out pretty good. I've set up a casserole for breakfast tomorrow, which I plan on freezing half of for a later date. And the stove top heats up very even;y and quickly. I'm going to go through my recipe books and look up a good cake recipe. The only issue is now finding a spot for my baking dishes and pans. The cabinet had to be cut out to make room for the stove. That's a head scratcher for tomorrow.

I've got a crochet project I was working on last month, before Jess was out for the month, and I haven't had the energy to touch it since. I'm thinking I can get to it tomorrow, since we'll be closed until Wednesday while they install a new a/c at the restaurant. Ours has been broken since the hurricane, but the landlords haven't bothered. Fuck. Them. Still, extra time off will be nice. I was working on an over layer for my bed curtains. I'm working in panels that I'll crochet together when they're all done, but I still have a few rows for my first panel. Maybe 10?

Oh, and my brother mistakenly let slip that Jess just called out, and wasn't even sick, when he thought no one he worked with was listening.
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