Sep 06, 2024 01:42
I'm currently livid over sick people going out to your place of work, and being heedless of whether they get you sick. So, I'll let that one go and talk about something else.
A couple of years ago, my oven died. My oven and the stove top were not connected. The range was in the counter, and the oven was on the opposite wall, with a cabinet built around it. And there's no ovens that size being sold (I mean that one was from the late 80's, I'm amazed it lasted that long). Last year I eventually got a small toaster oven, but it's not quite the same. For my birthday, I treated myself to something I'd saved up for. A new stove. Luckily dad is handy, and he's cut out the counter/cabinet where the range is. The new one should hopefully come in tomorrow, and the installers will have it all set up. The old oven is going to be taken out eventually, so I can have some cabinet space to put my pans and such. I'll admit to being nervous, though. I'm neurotic and paranoid about fires.
Since my sister is sick (so glad I didn't feel like going out with her yesterday), I'll be doing another week of just doubles. Right after doing a month of them. IF YOU FEEL SICK, CANCEL YOUR APPOINTMENTS, PEOPLE. DO NOT GO OUT FOR FUNSIES.