Great Choice

Dec 10, 2007 20:46

Just found this out... had to share

I'm just about done reading 1984 for the first time, I've always known of the book and what it's about but never gotten around to reading it. When I first saw V for Vendetta, I compared it to what I knew of the book. And when I read a book, I always later check up on it's movie history... what takes of it have been done and so forth. This time I found a 1984 that was appropriately done in... 1984. When I saw who played Winston, the main character who tries to stick it to the man, I saw that it was John Hurt who played the Chancellor in Vendetta.

How perfectly appropriate that they would choose him, who played the rebel in 1984 to play the 'Big Brother' in a very similar story.

Anyway, thought it was a interesting lil' tidbit.
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