Feb 05, 2006 04:54
Another general update on what i've been up to these days!!
Gonna be long and filled with random bluthering, so i'll put nice headers to break it up for ya : P oops...
sorry ^^' Read at your own risk!!!!!!!! : (
Yep, they have Costco in Japan too!!! On Tuesday I got the chance to head to the one in the Fukuoka area, Mrs.Johnson (the wife of one of our teachers) drove a bunch of us over and I borrowed her neighbours Costco card to get in. Seriously, the Costco here looks almost exactly the same as the one at my house, i was freaking out XD Like i got transported back home or something....anyways, i spent more than 100$ on tasty and delicious bulk items....mmmmm bulk foooods....So yeah, as planned, i bought tons and toooons of cereal!! Oatmeal, "corn frosties", and Special K! WEEEEEEEE CEREAL!! That's definitely one of the foods I miss most!! In regular grocery stores they come in stupidly small and overpriced bags, grrr!!! Quick, easy, tasty breakfasts are the best kind. I also got a tub of peanut butter, and giant blocks of cheddar and cream cheese. I don't think I've bought cheese since coming here, so that was a new and special 'delicacy'....mmmm cream cheese baaaaaaaaagel...... Yeah sorry for randomly bluthering about food, but anyone who's gonna read this journal has to understand that if i write a jounral entry, they aren't frequent so I tend to spew out pretty much anything that's on my mind, no matter how random O__O Like all that bs about breakfasts....mmmm cereal.
Also the first time i had pizza since coming to Japan, also tasty and delicious!! Some other fabulous purchases include cookie mix, truffles, salmon, BAGELSOMG!!!!, Aquarius (a tasty sports drink), grapefruit juice boxes, a smooshy comfy floor pillow, and fresh croissants....tastyyyyyyyyy. Real bagels are tricky to find here, and are kinda expensive, so coming across a dozen bagels for a reasonable price was wicked.....It was a memorable moment, sitting and eating my cream cheese bagel...truly delicious ^__- heheheheh. And a cheese omlette....yeah so I'm fixated on delicious food, what can I say....
The weather was freakishly good around the beginning of the week too, around 15-17 degrees, so I was walking around sans coat for that afternoon!! YAY!!!! I wish spring would hurry up and get here....well, just the weather ^^ Time is flying and if I don't end up staying here for a while in the summer, i've crossed the halfway mark of my time in Japan..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Already 5 months...yikes ;_________;
On Wednesday went to see a movie, which is also another thing I haven't done since coming to Japan!! o.O Really has been ages since I've seen a movie in theatres!! Went with Caelan, Meg, Keith, Kento and Clement, and we ended up seeing the Legend of Zorro.....Word of warning for anyone ever considering watching this (theatres or otherwise), TEEEEERRIBLE movie, it was filled with so much cheese it was hard to take.... =__= Gah. So not exactly the most thrilling of movies, but I got through it with the help of chocolate popcorn I stole from Clement :P Not as bad as I thought it would be.....(as popcorn is usually a salty treat) Meh, guess that's all I can say about that ^__-
Emi, one of the Japanese girls in the I-house residence, is heading to Vancouver next Saturday!! :( Sad!!! She was the first Japanese friend we made here, she was really helpful and we (the canadians+jen) hung around a lot with her for the first couple weeks :') Haven't been doing as much with her recently, but it's still sad to see her go!! Safe trip Emi!!!!!!!!!! So we all went to get Nomihodai at an Izakaya (bar), which is like all-you-can-drink for a certain number of hours. They also serve food courses, which were quite tasty!! Didn't drink much, but took tons of pictures! Once I figure out pictures on this thing (too lazy right now..) i will start posting some ^^. On Friday it was also Setsubun, the last official day of winter i think, so to bring in good luck they throw these beans at someone with an Oni (demon) mask to chase them out, and say "Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi", getting luck into the house while making the demons go outside ^^ Anyways, so some of the guys at the table next to us had some masks and I threw a couple beans (soybeans), and everyone talked with them. Was pretty happy times, as everyone was drinking a lot and making friends, lol. XDDDDDDD Afterwards was Karaoke, again with the all-you-can-drink, damn that stuff adds up : \ I just sorta tagged along ^^ But i gotta watch my spending for the next bit, can't keep going to all-you-can-drink when I don't really drink much...not super-expensive, but 3000yen is more than I would drink in alcohol that's for sure! Was a chilly walk home, but we actually got some snow!! Giant flakes, weeee! First good snow that I've seen since coming here, didn't really stay much on the ground but it was enjoyable nonetheless!!!
Another awesome note...I bought Kingdom Hearts 2!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY!! Been forever since I played a new video game, so I finally caved and bought it even though it's in Japanese : \ Borrowing a PS2 from Yu-san, a nice Japanese guy who lives on 2nd floor :D Thank goodness!! The first floor has a multipurpose hall with a screen on the wall for movies...SWEET!! Playing a video game on a giant movie screen is definitely a wicked way to spend the evening @___@ It was an awesome opening movie!! But not a lot of actual gameplay, even in the first two hours, which was kind of annoying. Didn't get to do much exploring, so hopefully they'll stop all the tutorials and hurry up with the action!!!!! XP The Japanese is a bit tricky, I can't really slow down what the characters are saying so i just have to try and get the gist of things...And also thanks to Kento's rather frequent translations (sorry Kento!!) my comprehension was greatly increased ^__^ Heheheh, hopefully I can improve my Japanese this way, at least a little though. :D Animation is sweet, even if the character's heads were freakishly large sometimes in the opening, but lovely anywaaaaaaaaaays, MMMMMMMMMM RIKU!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Did lots of squealing, definitely pleased to see more Riku in all his CG glory!!! @___@; Bwahahahahaa.....
Yeah, I did a ton of shopping last weekend cause it was all the winter clearance sales, guess I could bluther later about cool things i bought ^__- Acquired some new hoodies, YAY, can always use more of those, some funky belts, and cute bunny gloves!! Almong other things...^___^
Right, and that's definitely enough bluthering for one day. Just had to bring things up to speed, you see....I will write about what happened today tomorrow....o__O;;; Hope this wasn't too painful, maybe my story-telling skills will improve with practice....?