Jan 27, 2006 07:02
Well, somehow I ended up with a livejournal!!! Nikki thought i should get one, and so did a couple other people i know, so here i am XD Hopefully I will update a bit more often than the other 'blog' i had, guess i'll just have to wait and see!!! ;D
As for some quick current events, new semester has started up over here in Fukuoka, just finished the first week!! Looks like it won't be so bad, as long as i can manage to wake up for my 9am classes!! I know, 9am, not so bad compared to 8am or something but stiiiiiiiiill *whinewhinewhine*, i'm not meant to wake up in the morning o.O Taking pretty much the same thing as last time, just lots of Japanese language courses, Japanese psych, japanese literature in translation, natural world of japan, and some other one i haven't decided on yet. But!! i get to take calligraphy this semester!!!!!!!! I'm really excited, I bought all my cool materials already ^^ they are cheap 100yen shop things, buuuut I still think it's gonna be wicked!! The prof even said we get to carve our own little name stamps, so that is gonna be sweeeet! ^____^ nyahahaaah!
No interesting plans for this weekend so far, except going to Tenjin again to do some more shopping! Gotta spend my New Years money while there are still sales on, heheheheh.....
Well, off to watch a movie in Meg's room!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!