[crossposted from my "nellasofdoriath" LJ]

Nov 07, 2005 21:30

I am, once again, preparing for a return to the infamous life in the fandom... or whatever is left of it. Not that I miss the squees of the fangrrls and the "OMG I am sooo having Legolas' babies" declarations of undying love.
But I must confess that I missed the mad bunch that you are quite a bit.

Rather a lot has changed in my personal life since I last wrote an entry in this LJ - but quite frankly, it's nothing I will talk about a lot, since it is, as I said, personal. And if I have learned something in the past years (!), then it is that in order to avoid being hurt and bashed and brought low by ill-meaning people, you have to keep private matters to yourself. Which I intend to do.
Now, before you worry needlessly - I haven't been hurt personally. At least, not yet. *wry grin* But I don't wish to try it, either... I have seen enough of it to be wary.

What hasn't changed is my ongoing love affair with Glorfindel, who in turn doesn't go anywhere without his buddies. I am stuck with my Elven muses for the rest of my days, I'm afraid.

Therefore, I have decided to divide my life and the life of "Nellas of Doriath" into separate LJs. From now on, you will find "Nellas" here, where there will be update notifications, news concerning the art and everything art-related, and posts of the odd pic, for you to discuss and comment. No more personal entries here. All old entries have been changed to "private" status.

I get my very own LJ at menegroth, and I will hang the usual "Friends Only" sign at the door if the need arises. What will be in it, I don't know yet. Probably a few rants, a few memes if I find the time, and a few assorted things that cross my path, touch me or that I wish to share with you.
Or maybe I won't feel the need to post anything in a long time. Being a lurker has its advantages...
We will see.

It's not a complete withdrawal - I am not yet ready to leave the Elves behind me. But it's a reduced version of what once was, and it will never be the same thing again. I'm sad to say that, and it hurt to realize it, but it's either that or me quitting completely. I don't have the strength for anything else at the moment.

personal, lj, fandom

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