Starting with a rant...

Nov 07, 2005 12:10

Ah. Right. To start a new LJ with a rant - what a refreshing feeling.


I had an appointment with my dentist last Thursday. Joy! So, at 4:30 PM I go and drag myself up the stairs to venture into the lion's den...

I ring the bell.

Nothing. Nothing?
Uh oh... Better check that appointment. I grab my Moleskinetm diary, check the page. It says "1630 dentist". Okay.
Ring again.

Nope. Not a sound.

I return downstairs, outside, and check the windows. The windows are dark. Dark as in 'nobody home'. Another look at my diary. Still - I do have that appointment. I noted it down correctly. I didn't get a call telling me they wouldn't be able to see me then. Neither at home, nor on my cell.

WTF?!?!? *fume*

So, I return home, make myself a hot chocolate, read a bit...

The weekend comes. I intended to spend it nice and cozy on my couch. Sunday morning finds me in my bed, enjoying the peace, and the warmth.

"BUZZ!!", says my cell.

I try to ignore it, but it's the ring indicating that it's one of my close friends. Myeh! The first thing I get to hear...

Friend: *sobsob* Did I waaaaake you?! I'm soooooorry! I didn't meaaaan to, but... but... Waaaah! I feel so-o-o-ooo bad! And depressed! And did I mention bad?

Me: *sigh* What's the matter?

Friend: ... Dunno. *pouts audibly*

And then... a full load of 'audio puppy eyes'.

Friend: I don't wanna be alone today... can I come over? I bring lunch, too, if you want. Pu-leaze?! [insert more audio puppy eyes and batting lashes here]

Me: Oh, alright. Come on over...


Of course - my apartment was a MESS, my kitchenette was DIRTY as all hell, my bathroom was MAJOR ICK, and my fridge... empty. Okay, she'd bring lunch. Good.
The mess, not so good.

Needless to say I found myself tidying the place and showering in record time - on a Sunday, no less!!!
And then she arrived, and although I love her dearly, and would not want her to give in to depression... I would rather have spent my Sunday alone and with my watercolours.


So, thinking that after the Week from Helltm it could only get better, I got up early today, and went to uni. Which was good, and I learned something, and found out a few interesting things...
Having a bit of free time, I thought I might as well do some shopping and return home. Which I did.

And when I came into the hall, there's an old bag'o'shit standing there smoking. SMOKING!!! In the hall! Well, thank you very much, asshole!
There are smoke detectors everywhere in the building, with a direct line running to the fire brigade. Guess what happens when that thing goes off? Yup, we get visitors. Very pissed visitors, once they notice they've come here for nothing.
And of course, they charge us.

So, I told him about the detectors (he was standing right under one), and he goes "So?".
I gnash my teeth, trying to keep calm, and tell him, "Well, if you *smoke* in here, they'll go off."
"I'm just waiting for some..."

[ripping sound, from my last shred of patience]

"...I. Don't. Care! If you wanna smoke, you. GO. OUTSIDE." I wanted to add, "or I'll kick your butt into tomorrow, and you won't be able to find enough pieces to stitch it back together."
Then I pulled myself together and shot him a glare that would have made Feanor proud.

He left. And I stomped off to my apartment. Good thing I don't carry anything breakable with me during uni. Poor bag.

I still have lectures to survive today, btw.



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