How to put love into a Gillington drawing

May 04, 2007 08:10

For a long time now I've been thinking about what moves and motivates me when I draw. I'm inspired by a lot of things, but when I start to work on those ideas, other things become important. I have to be in a certain mood, and for that I need music. Music that puts me into the right mindset, that allows me to take my own emotions and pour them into the drawing while I work.

It's easy enough to find out whether I got it right: If the emotion comes across simply by looking at the picture, then I can be sure I've chosen the right music.
It doesn't have to be out loud, though. The song doesn't have to play on an endless loop while I draw. I simply have to carry it around inside me, that's often enough.

Recently, a comment by joyful_molly made me think again about what I feel while drawing Gillington. Where the emotions I try to tap into come from. And, well, I think I found at least one source of this emotion and inspiration.
This is not my personal Gillington soundtrack. It's more like the underlying mindset for most of my Gillington drawings. Any drawings involving two characters in love, really, since they describe perfectly what I imagine Love to be, the ideal, pure form of it.

Reinhard Mey writes beautiful songs, sometimes funny, witty and snarky, always thoughtful and intense. I've wept more than once just listening to him.
His songs about love and friendship are, IMHO, the most beautiful declarations of love that you can make in words.
So I'm sharing two that are for me the perfect description of what I want to show between Norrington and Gillette. Not hot monkey sex (which can be a bonus ;)), but a deep sense of belonging, the warm feeling of being together, of sharing life and love and companionship all at once. It's difficult to put into words, even for me, so I'll let the music (and my pictures) speak.

The first one is a kind of sleep song or lullaby. I love how he likens the night to the dark sea, and the friend who guides you through it as a pilot. It's not the reason why I love this song, or why I chose it - but it occured to me afterwards that this made it even more fitting for the Navyboys.
The second is a true declaration of love. I can't find better words than he did - it's just a huge "I love you!" put into simple words and tiny images. So complete and touching in its simplicity that I often choke on the depth of emotion. I'll let you see for yourself.

With every song, I've put the lyrics behind the cut, with my own translation. I've kept it mostly literal, so you can see the imagery he uses. The English-speaking internet sorely lacks Reinhard Mey translations...

Now, enough ramblings, on to the songs:

"Ich bring Dich durch die Nacht" by Reinhard Mey (7330 kB)

Ich Bring' Dich Durch Die Nacht
by Reinhard Mey

Die Schatten werden länger
Der graue, grame Grillenfänger
Streicht um das Haus
Der Tag ist aus
Die Ängste kommen näher
Sie stellen sich größer, krallen sich zäher
In der Seele fest
In deinem Traumgeäst
Manchmal ist es bis zum anderen Ufer der Nacht
Ein lichtloser Tunnel, ein nicht enden wollender Schacht

Ich bring' dich durch die Nacht
Ich bring' dich durch die raue See
Ich bring' dich durch die Nacht
Ich bringe dich von Luv nach Lee
Ich bin dein Lotse, ich bin dein Mann
Bin deine Schwester, lehn dich an
Ich bin der Freund, der mit dir wacht
Ich bring' dich durch die Nacht

Alles erscheint dir schwerer,
Bedrohlicher und hoffnungsleerer
Mit der Dunkelheit
Kommen aus dunkler Zeit
Ferne Erinnerungen
Die Nacht wispert mit tausend Zungen:
" Sie sind alles aus,
Du bist allein zu Haus"
Mit deiner stummen Verzweiflung und dem Knistern im Parkett
Und als einziger Trost das warme Licht des Radios an deinem Bett


Lass los, versuch zu schlafen
Ich bring' dich sicher in den Hafen
Dir kann nichts geschehen
Wolfsmann und böse Feen
Sind nur ein Blätterreigen
Vorm Fenster der Wind in den Zweigen
Im Kastanienbaum
Ein böser Traum,
Der's nicht wagt wiederzukommen, bis der neue Tag beginnt
Lass los, ich halt' dich fest, Ich kenn den Weg aus dem Labyrinth


I'll get you through the night
by Reinhard Mey

The shadows grow longer
the grey, grieving mope [lit. cricket catcher]
slinks around the house
the day is over
The fears come closer
they seem bigger, bury their claws deeper
in the soul
In the branches of your dream
Sometimes the way to the other shore of the night
is like a lightless tunnel, a pit that will not end

I'll get you through the night
I'll get you through the stormy seas
I'll get you through the night
I'll get you from windward to lee
I'm your pilot, I'm your man
Am your sister, lean on me
I'm the friend who stays awake/watches with you
I'll get you through the night

Everything seems heavier to you
More threatening and devoid of hope
With the darkness
out of dark times come
distant memories
The night whispers with a thousand tongues:
"They're all gone,
you're alone at home."
With your mute despair and the creaking of the floor boards
and the only comfort is the warm light of the radio at your bedside.


Let go, try to sleep
I'll get you safely into port
Nothing can happen to you
Wolf-man and evil fairies
are only dancing leaves,
the wind in the branches in front of the window
in the chestnut tree
A nightmare
that doesn't dare to come back until the new day begins
Let go, I hold you tight, I know the way out of the labyrinth


[translation by menegroth]

"Herbstgewitter über Dächern" by Reinhard Mey (4560 kB)

Herbstgewitter über Dächern

Herbstgewitter über Dächern, Schneegestöber voller Zorn,
Frühjahrssturm im Laub vom Vorjahr, Sommerwind in reifem Korn.
Hätt‘ ich all das nie gesehen, säh‘, für alles andre blind,
Nur den Wind in deinen Haaren, sagt‘ ich doch, ich kenn‘ den Wind.

Straßenlärm und Musikboxen weh‘n ein Lied irgendwo her.
Düsengrollen, Lachen, Rufen, plötzlich Stille ringsumher.
Hätt‘ ich all‘ das nie vernommen, wär‘ für alles taub und hört‘
Nur ein Wort von dir gesprochen, sagt‘ ich doch, ich hab‘ gehört.

Bunte Bänder und Girlanden, Sonne nach durchzechter Nacht,
Neonlicht im Morgennebel, kurz bevor die Stadt erwacht.
Wär‘ mir das versagt geblieben, hätte ich nur dich geseh‘n,
Schließ‘ ich über dir die Augen, sagt‘ ich doch, ich hab‘ geseh‘n.

Warten, Hoffen und Aufgeben, Irren und Ratlosigkeit.
Zweifeln, Glauben und Verzeihen, Freudentränen, Trunkenheit.
Hätt‘ ich all das nie erfahren, hätt‘ ich all das nie erlebt,
Schlief‘ ich ein in deinen Armen, sagt‘ ich doch, Ich hab‘ gelebt.

Autumnal storm above the roofs

Autumnal thunderstorm above the roofs, snow flurries full of anger,
spring storm in last year's leaves, summer wind in (a fields full of) ripe crops.
If I had never seen this, if, blind for everything else, I saw
only the wind in your hair, still I'd say, "I know the wind."

The noise on the streets, a song wafts up from jukeboxes somewhere.
Turbines growl, laughter, shouts, suddenly silence all around me.
If I had never heard all this, if I was deaf for everything and only heard
one word spoken by you, still I'd say, "I have heard."

Coloured ribbons and garlands, sunlight after a night out drinking,
neon lights in the morning fog, shortly before the city awakens.
If that had been denied to me, if I had only seen you,
I'd close my eyes on you, and I'd still say, "I have seen."

Waiting, hoping and giving up, erring and helplessness.
Doubting, believing and forgiving, tears of joy and drunkenness.
If I'd never experienced all this, if I'd never lived through all this,
falling asleep in your arms, I'd still say, "I have lived."

[translation by menegroth]

I hope you'll enjoy these!
Have a nice weekend, all! :) I know I will - I'm going home to see my family!

gillington, love, yousendit, music, inspiration, art, ponderings

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