It makes a pleasant change to see a sculpture that is not vertical or set on a large plinth surrounded by terrace and flower beds.
This, evidently, is known as a "Lawn Sculpture". It is in the walled garden at Parham House, West Sussex. I regret not walking onto the grass and taking more photographs. He appears to be a dying warrior, his sword is underneath his body; he is writing something on the ground with his right hand.
Oh well! I will have to return to Parham and find out more about it (that's OK, I like visiting Parham House).
There is no name tablet by this sculpture. I like that, it sets my imagination working - I can think up a story about him, who he is, what he has done, why he is writing a message . . . Art should make you think. If he had name tablet, I might read the name "XYZ", wonder who "XYZ" was, then move on - not so interesting.